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Comparaci?n temporal del tama?o m?nimo de la poblaci?n de C?ndor Andino, (Vultur Gryphus) Parque Nacional Cajas
Bachelor ThesisAbstract: El ?ltimo censo nacional de c?ndores realizado en 2009 registra 48 individuos silvestres y 18 en cauPalabras claves:C?ndor, Parque Nacional CajasAutores:David Christopher Siddons, Martin Vega CorderoFuentes:rraaeMorphological-functional traits, tree diversity, growth rate and carbon sequestration in polylepis species and ecosystems of Southern Ecuador
ArticleAbstract: The species of the genus Polylepis are the most important trees of high altitude woodlands in the AnPalabras claves:BIOMASS, CARBON SEQUESTRATION, Forest, species diversity, specific leaf area, Stem water content, Wood densityAutores:Adolfo Verdugo, Antonio M. Crespo, Danilo Minga, David Christopher Siddons, Deisy Guazhambo, Diego Pacheco, Edwin Zárate, Javier Montalvo, Josué LópezFuentes:scopusNew occurrences and habitat description of southern Ecuador endemic frog Atelopus exiguus (Anura: Bufonidae) from a conservation hotspot in the high Andes
ArticleAbstract: Atelopus species are classified as a priority taxon for monitoring and conservation, of these A. exiPalabras claves:Conservation, endangered frogs, Macizo del Cajas, Monitoring, Páramo ecosystem, water qualityAutores:Bruno A. Timbe, David Christopher Siddons, Pedro Xavier Astudillo Webster, Ramiro JiménezFuentes:scopusHabitat heterogeneity rather than the limits of protected areas influence bird communities in an Andean biosphere reserve
ArticleAbstract: The páramo ecosystem harbors a high concentration of restricted range and threatened bird species. HPalabras claves:Elevation, Macizo del Cajas Biosphere Reserve, páramo grassland, Specialist birds, trophic guildsAutores:Boris O. Landázuri, David Christopher Siddons, Latta S.C., Paul Porras, Pedro Xavier Astudillo Webster, Santiago BarrosFuentes:scopusPatch-matrix movements of birds in the páramo landscape of the southern Andes of Ecuador
ArticleAbstract: Habitat loss and fragmentation are important threats to global biodiversity. Bird species are not onPalabras claves:bird habitat guilds, native woody plants, Páramo matrix, Polylepis patches, stepping-stone movementsAutores:David Christopher Siddons, Farwig N., Pedro Xavier Astudillo Webster, Schabo D.G.Fuentes:googlescopusInfluence of habitat modification by livestock on páramo bird abundance in southern Andes of Ecuador
ArticleAbstract: Livestock grazing on natural grasslands is widespread with negative consequences to biodiversity. InPalabras claves:Elevation, habitat guilds, páramo bird specialistAutores:David Christopher Siddons, Edwin Zárate, Pedro Xavier Astudillo Webster, Santiago BarrosFuentes:scopusInfluencia de variables ambientales en la abundancia de Hyloxalus vertebralis en el ?rea de influencia del proyecto hidroel?ctrico Paute- Mazar
Bachelor ThesisAbstract: Hyloxalus vertebralis es una especie nativa de Ecuador catalogada en Peligro Cr?tico por la Uni?n InPalabras claves:ABUNDANCIA, DISTANCIA AL AGUA, ELEVACI?N, ESTRATO, HYLOXALUS VERTEBRALISAutores:David Christopher Siddons, Mar?a Jos? Barrera Yunga, Nelly Alexandra Calle CastilloFuentes:rraaeVariaci?n de la diversidad funcional de flores ornit?filas en flores polinizadas por colibr?es en diferentes tipos de vegetaci?n microcuenca de Tarqui
Bachelor ThesisAbstract: La diversidad funcional es uno de los elementos m?s importantes para poder entender el funcionamientPalabras claves:DIVERSIDAD FUNCIONAL, FLORES ORNIT?FILAS, GRADIENTE DE DISTURBIO, IMAGEN, MORFOLOG?A DE FLORESAutores:David Christopher Siddons, Desir?e Abigail Castillo QuinterosFuentes:rraaeVariaci?n en comunidades de murci?lagos en tres pisos altitudinales en bosques de estribaci?n del sur del Ecuador
Bachelor ThesisAbstract: Se estudi? la comunidad de quir?pteros en un ecosistema de transici?n con una metodolog?a basada enPalabras claves:DIVERSIDAD BETA, MURCI?LAGOS, QUIROPTEROFILIAAutores:Dar?o Andr?s Ord??ez Moscoso, David Christopher SiddonsFuentes:rraaePotential distribution of the andean condor (Vultur gryphus) reveals priority sites for conservation in the southern andes of Ecuador
ArticleAbstract: The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is in decline, while in Ecuador most of the monitoring efforts haPalabras claves:Andean condor, climatic seasonality, Distribution model, ECUADOR, Elevation, Paramo, VULTUR GRYPHUSAutores:David Christopher Siddons, Juan A. Orellana, Latta S.C., Pedro Xavier Astudillo Webster, Santiago Barros-QuitoFuentes:scopus