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Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial(4)
Inglés e inglés antiguo (anglosajón)(3)
Uso del inglés estándar(3)
Literatura y retórica(2)
Analysis of culture-bound translation problems in the spanish to english published translation of the literary works Huasinpungo by Jorge Icaza and Cien Años de Soledad by Gabriel García Márquez.
OtherAbstract: This research report was developed after the the analysis of two translated books, which were used aPalabras claves:CULTURAL CONTEXT, Culture, CULTURE-BOUND LITERATURE, EXTRALINGUISTIC, LINGUISTIC, translationAutores:Alexa Dayanara Cedeño Vera, Tatiana Govanna Vaca Chero, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeAnnotated translation of the short story “Cosmic Yo-yo” by Ross Rocklynne.
OtherAbstract: The following research project contains the translation into Spanish of the short story “Cosmic Yo-yPalabras claves:ANNOTATED TRANSLATION, LINGUISTIC, science fiction, translation, TRANSLATION TECHNIQUESAutores:Karla Stephanie Yagual Salinas, Marilin Stefania Chamba Moreno, Sara Inés Rivadeneira Enríquez, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeEvaluating the feasibility of the implementation of a multimedia web application called spacedeck for speaking practice purposes for students from levels 1 and 2 at the Language Center at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.
OtherAbstract: The present project aimed to find difficulties associated with the development of the speaking skilPalabras claves:Collaborative learning, Evaluation research, Methodology, MULTIMEDIA WEB APPLICATION, SPEAKING SKILLAutores:Carolina Kim Kim, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeDirected tasks as an alternative academic support vehicle for EFL second graders at Colegio Americano de Guayaquil.
OtherAbstract: This work was based on educational theories that state why it is important to address the tasks inPalabras claves:ACADEMIC ASSITANCE, ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE, DIRECTED TASKS, Learning, LINGUISTIC SKILLS, TeachingAutores:Ana MAría Quintero Burgos, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeImplementing a guide of analytic rubrics in the assessment of speaking skill of A1 Level Students at the Language Center at Universidad Técnica de Machala (UTMACH).
OtherAbstract: 1.1. Problem Statement….………………………………………… 1.2. Justification……………………………………………………… 1.3. Research QuestPalabras claves:Autores:Lupercio, Micaela Janneth Cobeña, María de Lourdes Alvarado Mejía, Rebeca Isabel Vera Asang, Repositorio UCSG, Verónica Marbel García Luna, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:googlerraaeImproving 8th-grade EFL students listening skills at Santo Domingo de Guzman School during the first half of the scholastic year 2022 - 2023.
OtherAbstract: Listening skill is a basis to develop various abilities such as: vocabulary increase, listening comPalabras claves:BRITISH ACCENT, LISTENING COMPREHENSION, PEDAGOGICAL TOOL, SPEAKER’S SPEEDAutores:Juan José Santana Villacís, Taís Ivis Roche Valenzuela, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeInclusive teaching practices for students with special educational needs at Jose Domingo de Santistevan High School.
OtherAbstract: The present case study is about Inclusive Teaching Practices for students with Special Educational NPalabras claves:ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE, AFFECTING, evaluate, IMPLEMENTING, INCLUSIVE TEACHING PRACTICES, SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDSAutores:Katerin Xiomara Grijalva Vinueza, Mariela Fátima Vásquez Barros, Rebeca Isabel Vera Asang, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaePercepciones sobre el funcionamiento de la Consejería estudiantil en las carreras de Lengua Inglesa y Gestión Empresarial Internacional de la Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil desde el año 2011 hasta el Semestre A. 2012
OtherAbstract: A partir de los últimos años el tema de la “Responsabilidad Social” ha ganado gran importancia en vPalabras claves:Bienestar Universitario, Calidad de la enseñanza, Consejeria estudiantil, INVESTIGACIÓN EN EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR, UNIVERSIDADES CATÓLICAS, UNIVERSIDADES ECUATORIANASAutores:Nadia Roxana Acosta Ramírez, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeStrategies for the enhancement of the vocabulary acquisition process among 9th graders at Unidad Educativa Fiscal José Vicente Trujillo in the year 2022-2023.
OtherAbstract: This research focuses on analyzing the process of vocabulary acquisition in 9thgrade students at UniPalabras claves:English language, Learning process, LINGUISTICS, VOCABULARY ACQUISITIONAutores:Jazmín del Rocío Murillo Parrales, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraaeTeacher- Learner rapport on EFL first and second baccalaureate learners’ motivation at Unidad Educativa Mariscal Sucre : A case study.
OtherAbstract: This research project has as a main objective to explore how a teacher´s rapport positively contribuPalabras claves:Case study, Educational psychology, LEARNERS, MOTIVIVATION, RAPPORT, RelationshipAutores:Andrea Estefanía Muñoz Fajardo, Mariela Fátima Vásquez Barros, Ximena Marita Jarrín HunterFuentes:rraae