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Ecology Letters(3)
Global Ecology and Biogeography(3)
Journal of Ecology(3)
Global Change Biology(2)
Climate sensitive size-dependent survival in tropical trees
ArticleAbstract: Survival rates of large trees determine forest biomass dynamics. Survival rates of small trees havePalabras claves:Autores:Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Bunyavejchewin S., Chambers J.Q., Chang-Yang C.H., Chiang J.M., Chuyong G.B., Condit R.S., Cordell S., Davies S.J., Fletcher C.D., Giambelluca T.W., Giardina C.P., Gunatilleke N., Gunatilleke S., Hsieh C.F., Hubbell S.P., Inman-Narahari F.M., Johnson D.J., Kassim A.R., Katabuchi M., Kenfack D., Litton C.M., Lum S.K.Y., Massoud E.C., McDowell N.G., Mcmahon S.M., Mohamad M.B., Nasardin M., Needham J.F., Ong P.S., Ostertag R., Renato Valencia, Sack L., Sun I.F., Swenson N.G., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thompson J., Umaña M.N., Uriarte M., Xu C., Yap S.L., Zimmerman J.K.Fuentes:googlescopusComparing tropical forest tree size distributions with the pbkp_redictions of metabolic ecology and equilibrium models
ArticleAbstract: Tropical forests vary substantially in the densities of trees of different sizes and thus in above-gPalabras claves:demographic rates, forest structure, Large-scale disturbance, Metabolic theory of ecology, Old-growth forests, Tree diameter distributionsAutores:Ashton P.S., Bunyavejchewin S., Chuyong G.B., Co L.L., Condit R.S., Consuelo Hernández, Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Esufali S., Foster R.B., Gunatilleke N., Gunatilleke S., Hall P., Harms K.E., Hart T.B., He F., Hubbell S.P., Itoh A., Kassim A.R., Kenfack D., Kiratiprayoon S., laFrankie J.V., Lagunzad D., Lee H.S., Losos E.C., Makana J.R., Marks C.O., Muller-Landau H.C., Muñoz G.V., Nur Supardi M.N., Ohkubo T., Renato Valencia, Samper C., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thomas S.C., Thompson J., Vallejo M.I., Wills C., Yamakura T., Zimmerman J.K.Fuentes:googlescopusConsistency of demographic trade-offs across 13 (sub)tropical forests
ArticleAbstract: Organisms of all species must balance their allocation to growth, survival and recruitment. Among trPalabras claves:demographic rates, demographic trade-offs, ForestGEO, growth, life-history strategies, Mortality , PCa, Recruitment, Size, Stature, Survival, Tropical forestsAutores:Aguilar S., Bruelheide H., Bunyavejchewin S., Chang-Yang C.H., Chen Y.Y., Chuyong G.B., Condit R.S., Davies S.J., Ediriweera S., Ewango C.E.N., Fernando E.S., Gunatilleke N., Gunatilleke S., Hubbell S.P., Itoh A., Kambach S., Kenfack D., Kiratiprayoon S., Lin Y.C., Makana J.R., Mohamad M.B., Pérez R., Pongpattananurak N., Renato Valencia, Rodriguez L.J.V., Rüger N., Sun I.F., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thompson J., Uriarte M., Wirth C., Wright S.J., Wu S.H., Yamakura T., Yao T.L., Zimmerman J.K.Fuentes:googlescopusDemographic composition, not demographic diversity, pbkp_redicts biomass and turnover across temperate and tropical forests
ArticleAbstract: The growth and survival of individual trees determine the physical structure of a forest with importPalabras claves:aboveground biomass, carbon residence time, forest dynamics, ForestGEO, size-dependent survival, Species richness, tree demographyAutores:Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Bourg N.A., Bt. Mohamad M., Bunyavejchewin S., Butt N., Cao M., Cárdenas López D., Chang-Yang C.H., Chen Y.Y., Chuyong G.B., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Duque A., Ewango C.E.N., Fernando E.S., Fisher R.A., Fletcher C.D., Foster R.B., Hao Z., Hart T.B., Hsieh C.F., Hubbell S.P., Itoh A., Johnson D.J., Kenfack D., Koven C.D., Larson A.J., Lutz J.A., Makana J.R., Malhi Y., Marthews T.R., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Morecroft M.D., Needham J.F., Norden N., Parker G.G., Renato Valencia, Shringi A., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thompson J., Uriarte M., Yao T.L., Yap S.L., Yuan Z., Yuehua H., Zimmerman J.K., Zuleta D.Fuentes:googlescopusCTFS-ForestGEO: A worldwide network monitoring forests in an era of global change
ArticleAbstract: Global change is impacting forests worldwide, threatening biodiversity and ecosystem services includPalabras claves:Biodiversity, Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS), Climate Change, Demography, Forest dynamics plot, Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO), Long-term monitoring, Spatial AnalysisAutores:Abu Salim K., Almeyda Zambrano A., Alonso A., Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Baltzer J.L., Basset Y., Bennett A.C., Bourg N.A., Broadbent E.N., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Burslem D.F.R.P., Butt N., Cao M., Cárdenas López D., Chuyong G.B., Clay K., Cordell S., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., den Ouden J., Deng X., Detto M., Du X., Duque Montoya A.J., Erikson D.L., Ewango C.E.N., Fischer G.A., Fletcher C.D., Foster R.B., Giardina C.P., Gilbert G.S., Gonzalez-Akre E.B., Gunatilleke N., Gunatilleke S., Hao Z., Hargrove W.W., Hart T.B., Hau B.C.H., He F., Hoffman F.M., Howe R.W., Hubbell S.P., Inman-Narahari F.M., Jansen P.A., Jiang M., Johnson D.J., Kanzaki M., Kassim A.R., Kenfack D., Kibet S., Kinnaird M.F., Korte L., Kral K., Kumar J., Larson A.J., Li X., Li Y.D., Liu S., Lum S.K.Y., Lutz J.A., Ma K., Maddalena D.M., Makana J.R., Malhi Y., Marthews T.R., Mat Serudin R., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Memiaghe H.R., Mi X., Mizuno T., Morecroft M.D., Muller-Landau H.C., Myers J.A., Novotny V., Oliveira A.A., Ong P.S., Orwig D.A., Ostertag R., Parker G.G., Phillips R.P., Renato Valencia, Sack L., Sainge M.N., Sang W., Sri-ngernyuang K., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Sungpalee W., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thomas S.C., Thompson J., Turner B.L., Uriarte M., Vallejo M.I., Vicentini A., Wright S.J.Fuentes:googlescopusGlobal importance of large-diameter trees
ArticleAbstract: Aim: To examine the contribution of large-diameter trees to biomass, stand structure, and species riPalabras claves:forest biomass, forest structure, large-diameter trees, latitudinal gradient, resource inequality, Smithsonian ForestGEOAutores:Allen D., Alonso A., Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Andrade A.S., Baltzer J.L., Becker K.M.L., Blomdahl E.M., Bourg N.A., Bunyavejchewin S., Burslem D.F.R.P., Cansler C.A., Cao K., Cao M., Cárdenas López D., Chang L.W., Chao K.J., Chao W.C., Chiang J.M., Chu C., Chuyong G.B., Clay K., Condit R.S., Cordell S., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Duque A., Ewango C.E.N., Fischer G.A., Fletcher C.D., Freund J.A., Furniss T.J., Germain S.J., Giardina C.P., Gilbert G.S., Hao Z., Hart T.B., Hau B.C.H., He F., Hector A., Howe R.W., Hsieh C.F., Hu Y.H., Hubbell S.P., Inman-Narahari F.M., Itoh A., Janík D., Johnson D.J., Kassim A.R., Kenfack D., Korte L., Kral K., Larson A.J., Li Y.D., Lin Y.C., Liu S., Lum S.K.Y., Lutz J.A., Ma K., Makana J.R., Malhi Y., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Memiaghe H.R., Mi X., Morecroft M.D., Musili P.M., Myers J.A., Novotny V., Oliveira A.A., Ong P.S., Orwig D.A., Ostertag R., Parker G.G., Patankar R., Phillips R.P., Renato Valencia, Reynolds G., Sack L., Song G.Z.M., Su S.H., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Swanson M.E., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thompson J., Uriarte M., Vicentini A., Vrška T., Wang X., Weiblen G.D., Wolf A.T., Wu S.H., Xu H., Yamakura T., Yap S.L., Zimmerman J.K.Fuentes:scopusEnvironment- and trait-mediated scaling of tree occupancy in forests worldwide
ArticleAbstract: Aim: The relationship between the proportion of sites occupied by a species and the area of a site [Palabras claves:Abundance, Actual evapotranspiration, biodiversity conservation, Nachman model, occupancy–area relationship, scaling, Spatial aggregation, topography, Tree sizeAutores:Bourg N.A., Chang L.W., Chuyong G.B., Du X., Fletcher C.D., Hao Z., Howe R.W., Jetz W., Keil P., Kenfack D., Lin L., Lutz J.A., Ma K., Mi X., Ren H., Renato Valencia, Su S.H., Sun I.F., Thomas D.W., Wang X., Ye W., Zhu L.Fuentes:scopusMultispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: Spatial signals of topographic niche differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity
ArticleAbstract: Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree speciePalabras claves:Cross-pair overlap distribution, Neutral theory, niche differentiation, Spatial pattern, Species coexistence, Tropical ForestAutores:Bao L., Brockelman W.Y., Brown C., Burslem D.F.R.P., Cao M., Chang L.W., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Huang J., Illian J.B., Kassim A.R., laFrankie J.V., Law R., Lian J., Lin L., Ma K., Mi X., Nathalang A., Noor S., Ong P.S., Renato Valencia, Su S.H., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thompson J., Uriarte M., Yap S.L., Ye W.Fuentes:googlescopusIndividual tree damage dominates mortality risk factors across six tropical forests
ArticleAbstract: The relative importance of tree mortality risk factors remains unknown, especially in diverse tropicPalabras claves:Climate Change, ForestGEO, modes of death, mortality risk factors, tree comorbidity, tree damage, Tree mortality, Tropical forestsAutores:Aguilar S., Bunyavejchewin S., Cárdenas López D., Chang-Yang C.H., Davies S.J., Duque A., Gabriel Arellano, Mcmahon S.M., Mitre D., Muller-Landau H.C., Nasardin M., Pérez R., Sun I.F., Yao T.L., Zuleta D.Fuentes:scopusPatterns of nitrogen-fixing tree abundance in forests across Asia and America
ArticleAbstract: Symbiotic nitrogen (N)-fixing trees can provide large quantities of new N to ecosystems, but only ifPalabras claves:Forest, Legume, Nitrogen fixation, nutrient limitation, Smithsonian ForestGEO, symbiosisAutores:Abu Salim K., Allen D., Alvarez M., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Butt N., Cao M., Chanthorn W., Chao W.C., Chisholm R.A., Clay K., Condit R.S., Cordell S., da Silva J.B., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., de Andrade A.S., den Ouden J., Drescher M., Fletcher C.D., Fung T., Giardina C.P., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Hau B.C.H., He F., Howe R.W., Hsieh C.F., Hubbell S.P., Inman-Narahari F.M., Jansen P.A., Johnson D.J., Kassim A.R., Kong L.S., Kral K., Ku C.C., Lai J., Larson A.J., Li X., Li Y.D., Lin L., Lin Y.C., Liu S., Lum S.K.Y., Lutz J.A., Ma K., Malhi Y., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Menge D.N.L., Mi X., Morecroft M.D., Myers J.A., Nathalang A., Novotny V., Oliveira A.A., Ong P.S., Orwig D.A., Ostertag R., Parker G.G., Phillips R.P., Renato Valencia, Sack L., Sang W., Savitri Gunatilleke C.V., Shen G., Shringi A., Shue J., Su S.H., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas S.C., Toko P.S., Vallejo M.I., Vicentini A., Vrška T., Wang B., Wang X., Weiblen G.D., Wolf A.T., Xu H., Yap S.L., Zhu L.Fuentes:googlescopus