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Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(2)
Proceedings - 2018 10th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM 2018(1)
Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Russia Section Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference, ElConRus 2017(1)
Proceedings of the 2019 21st International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA 2019(1)
Área temáticas
Física aplicada(4)
Ciencias de la computación(2)
Filosofía y teoría(1)
Implementación y gestión de la OLT ZTE ZXA10 C320 sobre la red PON de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Sede Cuenca
Bachelor ThesisAbstract: This work presents the implementation of the OLT ZTEC320 inside the PON network of the Universidad PPalabras claves:internet, REDES DE FIBRA ÓPTICA, REDES ÓPTICAS PASIVAS, TELECOMUNICACIONES, Última Milla, WINBOX (PROGRAMA PARA COMPUTADOR)Autores:Carlos German Quintuña Paida, Christian Andrés Palta Ortega, Edwin Johnatan Coronel González, Luis Fernando Guerrero VásquezFuentes:googlerraaeLDA Algorithm for the Identification of Topics: A Case of Study in the Most Influential Twitter Accounts in Ecuador
Conference ObjectAbstract: In the last years, the environment in which we develop has had various changes, most of them due toPalabras claves:Data Mining, ICTs, Lda, Machine learning, SOCIAL NETWORKSAutores:David P. Barros-Piedra, Edwin Johnatan Coronel González, Jorge Osmani Ordonez-Ordonez, Katherine Elizabeth Ponce Ochoa, Luis Fernando Guerrero Vásquez, Paúl Andres Chasi-PesántezFuentes:googlescopusPerformance Analysis in Hybrid OTDM-OCDMA System Using Narrowband Bragg Filter
Conference ObjectAbstract: In this paper, we analyze the performance of a hybrid optical time division multiplexing (OTDM) systPalabras claves:FBG, OCDMA, OTDM, Walsh HadamardAutores:Edwin Johnatan Coronel González, Gabriel E. Pulla-Lojano, German V.Arevalo Bermeo, Ismael S. Pesántez-Romero, Jorge Osmani Ordonez-Ordonez, Luis Fernando Guerrero VásquezFuentes:scopusSelf-Complementary Antenna with Multi-Resonance Frequency Based on Fibonacci Sequence for UWB Applications
Conference ObjectAbstract: In this paper we present the design and simulation of a self-complementary (SCA)Ultra-Wideband (UWB)Palabras claves:Fibonacci sequence, Golden spiral, Hexagonal, patch antenna, UWBAutores:Danilo F. Poveda-Pulla, Danilo Fernando Poveda-Pulla, Josue Bernardo Benavides-Aucapina, Luis Fernando Guerrero Vásquez, Paúl Andres Chasi-Pesántez, Rafael Andres Lituma-GuartanFuentes:googlescopusA novel multi band patch antenna based on plotting exponential partial sums in the complex plane
Conference ObjectAbstract: This document presents the design, simulation and measurement of a new multi-resonant patch antenna,Palabras claves:Antenna design, Complex plane, Exponential sums, Multi-resonant, UWBAutores:Jorge Osmani Ordonez-Ordonez, Luis Fernando Guerrero Vásquez, Mercedes Katherine Cevallos, Paúl Andres Chasi-Pesántez, Tatiana Jara QuitoFuentes:googlescopusTV White Spaces. A case study in Ecuador
Conference ObjectAbstract: In this document is presented a study about TV White Spaces (TVWS) current state in Ecuador, how thiPalabras claves:Digital switchover, Optimization, TV spectra, White spacesAutores:Jorge L. Delgado, Juan Paúl Inga Ortega, Luis Fernando Guerrero Vásquez, Oswaldo Sebastian Peñaherrera-PullaFuentes:scopus