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The Lancet(4)
Diabetes Care(1)
International Journal of Epidemiology(1)
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology(1)
Contrasting associations between diabetes and cardiovascular mortality rates in low-, middle-, and high-income countries: Cohort study data from 143,567 individuals in 21 countries in the pure study
ArticleAbstract: OBJECTIVE We aimed to compare cardiovascular (CV) events, all-cause mortality, and CV mortality ratePalabras claves:Autores:Alhabib K.F., Anjana R.M., Avezum A.J., Bahonar A., Chifamba J., Dagenais G.R., DIaz R., Gerstein H.C., Gupta R., Hu L., Iqbal R., Iype T., Karsidag K., Kruger L., Lakshmi P.V.M., Lanas F.T., Lear S.A., Mohan V., Mony P.K., Noorhassim I., Palileo-Villanueva L.M., PATRICIO LOPEZ -JARAMILLO, Rahman M.O., Rangarajan S., Rosengren A., Sheridan P., Teo K.K., Venkatesan U., Wei L., Yeates K.E., Yusoff K., Yusuf S., Yusufali A.M., Zatońska K.Fuentes:googlescopusContributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: A pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants
ArticleAbstract: Background: Change in the prevalence of raised blood pressure could be due to both shifts in the entPalabras claves:Blood pressure, Global Health, Hypertension, Non-communicable disease, Population healthAutores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Agyemang C., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadvand A., Ahrens W., Ajlouni K., Akhtaeva N., Al-Raddadi R., Ali M.M., Ali O., Alkerwi A., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amouyel P., Amuzu A., Anderssen S.A., Ängquist L.H., Anjana R.M., Ansong D., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Aryal K.K., Aspelund T., Assah F.K., Assuncao M.C.F., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azizi F., Babu B.V., Bahijri S., Balakrishna N., Bamoshmoosh M., Banach M., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Barkat A., Barros M.V.G., Bata I., Batieha A.M., Batyrbek A., Baur L.A., Beaglehole R., Benet M., Bennett J.E., Benson L.S., Bentham J., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bernotiene G., Bettiol H., Bhagyalaxmi A., Bharadwaj S., Bhargava S.K., Bi Y., Bikbov M., Bilano V., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Chen Z., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., de Barros A.J.D., Di Cesare M., Djalalinia S., Ezzati M., Hajifathalian K., Hambleton I.R., Jackson R.T., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Khatibzadeh S., Laxmaiah A., Liu J., Lugero C., Malekzadeh R., Neuhauser H.K., Peykari N., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Silvana P. Donoso, Sorić M., Starc G., Stevens G.A., Sundström J., Taddei C., Woodward M., Zhang W.Z., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopusEffects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: A pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331 288 participants
ArticleAbstract: Background: Diabetes has been defined on the basis of different biomarkers, including fasting plasmaPalabras claves:Autores:Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Aekplakorn W., Ahmadvand A., Alberto Barceló , Ali M.K., Alkerwi A., Amouyel P., Anderssen S.A., Angélica María Ochoa Aviles, Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Anjana R.M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Assah F.K., Avdicová M., Balakrishna N., Bandosz P., Barbagallo C.M., Batieha A.M., Baur L.A., Bentham J., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bhargava S.K., Bi Y., Bixby H., Bjerregaard P., Björkelund C., Blake M., Blokstra A., Bo Andersen L., Bo S., Boehm B.O., Boissonnet C.P., Bovet P., Brajkovich I., Breckenkamp J., Brewster L.M., Brian G.R., Bruno G., Bugge A., Can G., Cåndido A.P.C., Capuano V., Carvalho M.J., Casanueva F.F., Caserta C.A., Castetbon K., Chamukuttan S., Chaturvedi N., Chen C.J., Chen F., Chen S., Cheng C.Y., Chetrit A., Chiou S.T., Cho Y., Chudek J., Cifkova R., Claessens F., Concin H., Cooper C., Cooper R., Costanzo S., Cottel D., Cowan M.J., Cowell C., Crujeiras A.B., D'Arrigo G., Dallongeville J., Danaei G., Dankner R.S., Dauchet L., de Gaetano G., De Henauw S., De León A.C., Deepa M., Dehghan A., Dhana K., Di Castelnuovo A.F., Di Cesare M., Dolores S. Andrade, Ezzati M., Fahimi S., Hajifathalian K., Kadir K.A., Khang Y.H., Lin J.K., Lo W.C., Lu Y., Magliano D., Miranda J.J., Nsour M.A., Reis-Santos B., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Shaw J.E., Stevens G.A., Susana Andrade, Zhou B.Fuentes:rraaescopusWorldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19·1 million participants
ArticleAbstract: Background Raised blood pressure is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and chronicPalabras claves:Autores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Agyemang C., Ahmadvand A., Ahrens W., Al Woyatan R., Al-Raddadi R., Ali M.M., Alkerwi A., Aly E., Amouyel P., Amuzu A., Anderssen S.A., Ängquist L.H., Anjana R.M., Ansong D., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Aryal K.K., Assah F.K., Assuncao M.C.F., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azizi F., Babu B.V., Bahijri S., Balakrishna N., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Barkat A., Barros M.V.G., Bata I., Batieha A.M., Baur L.A., Beaglehole R., Benet M., Bennett J.E., Benson L.S., Bentham J., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bernotiene G., Bettiol H., Bhagyalaxmi A., Bharadwaj S., Bhargava S.K., Bi Y., Bilano V., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Bovet P., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., de Barros A.J.D., Di Cesare M., Djalalinia S., Elliott P., Ezzati M., Gu D., Hajifathalian K., Ikeda N., Jackson R.T., Joffres M., Kengne A.P., Khatibzadeh S., Laatikainen T., Lam T.H., Laxmaiah A., Liu J., Lu Y., Lugero C., Miranda J.J., Mondo C.K., Neuhauser H.K., Paciorek C.J., Peykari N., Rahim H.F.A., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Silvana P. Donoso, Silvana Patricia Donoso Moscoso, Singh G.M., Smeeth L., Sorić M., Stevens G.A., Sundström J., Taddei C., Woodward M., Zhang W.Z., Zhou B.Fuentes:rraaescopusWorldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: A pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4.4 million participants
ArticleAbstract: Background: One of the global targets for non-communicable diseases is to halt, by 2025, the rise inPalabras claves:Autores:Abdeen Z.A., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Agyemang C., Ahmadvand A., Al-Othman A.R., Ali M.K., Alkerwi A., Amouyel P., Amuzu A., Anderssen S.A., Angélica María Ochoa Aviles, Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Anjana R.M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Assah F.K., Avdicová M., Azizi F., Balakrishna N., Bandosz P., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Batieha A.M., Baur L.A., Benet M., Bennett J.E., Bentham J., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bharadwaj S., Bhargava S.K., Bi Y., Bixby H., Bjerregaard P., Bjertness E., Bjertness M.B., Björkelund C., Blokstra A., Bo Andersen L., Bo S., Boehm B.O., Boissonnet C.P., Bovet P., Brajkovich I., Breckenkamp J., Brenner H., Brewster L.M., Brian G.R., Bruno G., Bugge A., Can G., Cåndido A.P.C., Capuano V., Carlsson A.C., Carvalho M.J., Casanueva F.F., Casas J.P., Caserta C.A., Castetbon K., Chamukuttan S., Chaturvedi N., Chen C.J., Chen F., Chen S., Cheng C.Y., Chetrit A., Chiou S.T., Cho Y., Chudek J., Cifkova R., Claessens F., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., De León A.C., Di Cesare M., Ezzati M., Fouad H.M., Hajifathalian K., Kadir K.A., Lo W.C., Lu Y., Ma G., Mbanya J.C.N., McGarvey S.T., Miranda J.J., Mohan V., Onat A., Paciorek C.J., Pilav A., Ramachandran A., Reis-Santos B., Riley L.M., Rivera J.A., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Zhou B.Fuentes:googlerraaescopusRepositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol
ArticleAbstract: High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries1,2. However, dPalabras claves:Autores:Aadahl M., Abarca-Gómez L., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Agdeppa I.A., Aghazadeh-Attari J., Agyemang C., Ahluwalia T.S., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmadi N., Ahmed S.H., Ahrens W., Ajlouni K., Alarouj M., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Ali M.M., Alkandari A., Alkerwi A., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amouyel P., Anderssen S.A., Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Anjana R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam A., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arku R.E., Arlappa N., Aryal K.K., Asghari G., Aspelund T., Assuncao M.C.F., Auvinen J., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azizi F., Azmin M., Balakrishna N., Bamoshmoosh M., Banach M., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Barkat A., Bata I., Batieha A.M., Batyrbek A., Baur L.A., Beaglehole R., Belavendra A., Benet M., Benn M., Bennett J.E., Berkinbayev S., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bernotiene G., Bettiol H., Bhargava S.K., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Cifkova R., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., Dhana K., Di Cesare M., Farzadfar F., Giampaoli S., Gulayin P., Iurilli M.L.C., Jackson R.T., Kakarmath S., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Kuulasmaa K., Laxmaiah A., Margozzini P., Martinez A.R., Mathur P., Nordestgaard B.G., Paciorek C.J., Rahim H.F.A., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Santero M., Savin S., Silvana P. Donoso, Sophiea M.K., Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Voortman T., Zhao D., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopusPrognostic value of grip strength: Findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study
ArticleAbstract: Background Reduced muscular strength, as measured by grip strength, has been associated with an incrPalabras claves:Autores:Ahmed S.H., Anjana R.M., Avezum A.J., Chifamba J., Gu H., Gupta R., Igumbor E.U., Iqbal R., Kelishadi R., Lear S.A., Leong D.P., Li W., Mohan V., Oguz A., Orlandini A., PATRICIO LOPEZ -JARAMILLO, Rahman O., Rangarajan S., Rosengren A., Seron P., Swaminathan S., Teo K.K., Yusoff K., Yusuf S., Zatońska K.Fuentes:googlescopusThe effect of physical activity on mortality and cardiovascular disease in 130 000 people from 17 high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: the PURE study
ArticleAbstract: Background Physical activity has a protective effect against cardiovascular disease (CVD) in high-inPalabras claves:Autores:Anjana R.M., Avezum A.J., Casanova A., Chuangshi W., DIaz R., Gasevic D., Gupta R., Hu W., Huaxing L., Iqbal R., Kumar R., Lear S.A., Leong D.P., Mohammadifard N., Nair S., Oguz A., PATRICIO LOPEZ -JARAMILLO, Poirier P., Rangarajan S., Rosengren A., Seron P., Swaminathan S., Swidon H., Teo K.K., Wei L., Yang W., Yusuf S., Zatońska K.Fuentes:googlescopus