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The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology(1)
Contrasting associations between diabetes and cardiovascular mortality rates in low-, middle-, and high-income countries: Cohort study data from 143,567 individuals in 21 countries in the pure study
ArticleAbstract: OBJECTIVE We aimed to compare cardiovascular (CV) events, all-cause mortality, and CV mortality ratePalabras claves:Autores:Alhabib K.F., Anjana R.M., Avezum A.J., Bahonar A., Chifamba J., Dagenais G.R., DIaz R., Gerstein H.C., Gupta R., Hu L., Iqbal R., Iype T., Karsidag K., Kruger L., Lakshmi P.V.M., Lanas F.T., Lear S.A., Mohan V., Mony P.K., Noorhassim I., Palileo-Villanueva L.M., PATRICIO LOPEZ -JARAMILLO, Rahman M.O., Rangarajan S., Rosengren A., Sheridan P., Teo K.K., Venkatesan U., Wei L., Yeates K.E., Yusoff K., Yusuf S., Yusufali A.M., Zatońska K.Fuentes:googlescopusEffects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: A pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331 288 participants
ArticleAbstract: Background: Diabetes has been defined on the basis of different biomarkers, including fasting plasmaPalabras claves:Autores:Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Aekplakorn W., Ahmadvand A., Alberto Barceló , Ali M.K., Alkerwi A., Amouyel P., Anderssen S.A., Angélica María Ochoa Aviles, Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Anjana R.M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Assah F.K., Avdicová M., Balakrishna N., Bandosz P., Barbagallo C.M., Batieha A.M., Baur L.A., Bentham J., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bhargava S.K., Bi Y., Bixby H., Bjerregaard P., Björkelund C., Blake M., Blokstra A., Bo Andersen L., Bo S., Boehm B.O., Boissonnet C.P., Bovet P., Brajkovich I., Breckenkamp J., Brewster L.M., Brian G.R., Bruno G., Bugge A., Can G., Cåndido A.P.C., Capuano V., Carvalho M.J., Casanueva F.F., Caserta C.A., Castetbon K., Chamukuttan S., Chaturvedi N., Chen C.J., Chen F., Chen S., Cheng C.Y., Chetrit A., Chiou S.T., Cho Y., Chudek J., Cifkova R., Claessens F., Concin H., Cooper C., Cooper R., Costanzo S., Cottel D., Cowan M.J., Cowell C., Crujeiras A.B., D'Arrigo G., Dallongeville J., Danaei G., Dankner R.S., Dauchet L., de Gaetano G., De Henauw S., De León A.C., Deepa M., Dehghan A., Dhana K., Di Castelnuovo A.F., Di Cesare M., Dolores S. Andrade, Ezzati M., Fahimi S., Hajifathalian K., Kadir K.A., Khang Y.H., Lin J.K., Lo W.C., Lu Y., Magliano D., Miranda J.J., Nsour M.A., Reis-Santos B., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Shaw J.E., Stevens G.A., Susana Andrade, Zhou B.Fuentes:rraaescopusDiminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development
ArticleAbstract: Optimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-Palabras claves:Autores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abdrakhmanova S., Abdurrahmonova Z., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adam I., Adamczyk M., Adams R.J., Adu-Afarwuah S., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Afzal S., Agbor V.N., Agdeppa I.A., Aghazadeh-Attari J., Aguenaou H., Agyemang C., Ahmad M.H., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmadi N., Ahmed I., Ahmed S.H., Ahrens W., Aitmurzaeva G., Ajlouni K., Al Hourani H.M., Al Qaoud N.M., Al-Hazzaa H.M., Al-Lahou B., Al-Raddadi R., Alarouj M., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Aldwairji M.A., Alexius S., Ali M.M., Alkandari A., Alkerwi A., Alkhatib B.M., Allin K., Alvarez-Pedrerol M., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amoah J., Amougou N., Amouyel P., Anderssen S.A., Androutsos O., Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Ängquist L.H., Anjana R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam A., Anufrieva E., Baker J.L., Bennett J.E., Bentham J., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Chirita-Emandi A., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., Di Cesare M., Etxezarreta P.A., Farzadfar F., Fink G., Garba J.A., Ghaffar S.A., Gregg E.W., Heinen M., Ikeda N., Iurilli M.L.C., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Laatikainen T., Laxmaiah A., Lhoste V.P.F., Ma J., Martha Yépez García, Mishra A., Monica Vilar, Monroy-Valle M., Mridha M.K., Paciorek C.J., Padez C.P., Phelps N.H., Rahim H.F.A., Reynolds A., Riley L.M., Rodriguez-Martinez A., Salinas C.A.A., Savin S., Sheffer K.E., Silvana P. Donoso, Singleton R.K., Sophiea M.K., Sorić M., Starc G., Stevens G.A., Wirth J.P., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopusHeterogeneous contributions of change in population distribution of body mass index to change in obesity and underweight
ArticleAbstract: From 1985 to 2016, the prevalence of underweight decreased, and that of obesity and severe obesity iPalabras claves:Autores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abdrakhmanova S., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Afzal S., Agdeppa I.A., Aghazadeh-Attari J., Agyemang C., Ahmad M.H., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmadi N., Ahmed S.H., Ahrens W., Aitmurzaeva G., Ajlouni K., Al-Hazzaa H.M., Al-Lahou B., Al-Raddadi R., Alarouj M., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Ali M.M., Alkandari A., Alkerwi A., Allin K., Alvarez-Pedrerol M., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amiri P., Amougou N., Amouyel P., Andersen L.B., Anderssen S.A., Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Ängquist L.H., Anjana R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam A., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arku R.E., Arlappa N., Aryal K.K., Aspelund T., Assah F.K., Assuncao M.C.F., Aung M.S., Auvinen J., Avi S., Azevedo A., Azimi-Nezhad M., Azizi F., Azmin M., Babu B.V., Baharudin A., Bahijri S., Baker J.L., Balakrishna N., Bamoshmoosh M., Bennett J.E., Bixby H., Bovet P., Bæksgaard Jørgensen M., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Chirita-Emandi A., Cowan M.J., Damasceno A., Danaei G., Di Cesare M., Garba J.A., Ghaffar S.A., Gregg E.W., Hayes A.J., Ikeda N., Iurilli M.L.C., Jackson R.T., Khang Y.H., Laxmaiah A., Liu J., Mária Avdicová , Miranda J.J., Rahim H.F.A., Riley L.M., Rodriguez-Martinez A., Saidi O., Salinas C.A.A., Savin S., Sebert S., Silvana P. Donoso, Solomon B.D., Sophiea M.K., Sorić M., Starc G., Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopusUrbanization and physical activity in the global Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology study
ArticleAbstract: Urbanization may influence physical activity (PA) levels, although little evidence is available forPalabras claves:Autores:Alhabib K.F., Altuntas Y., Anjana R.M., Avezum A.J., Barbarash O., Boakye K., Bovbjerg M., Branscum A., Chifamba J., Dans A.M., Dominguez J., Hu B., Hystad P., Iqbal R., Ismail R., Kelishadi R., Khatib R., Lakshmi P.V.M., Lear S.A., PATRICIO LOPEZ -JARAMILLO, Poirier P., Rosengren A., Schuna J., Seron P., Varma R.P., Wang C., Yeates K., Yin L., Yusuf R., Yusuf S., Zatońska K.Fuentes:googlescopusWorldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults
ArticleAbstract: Background Underweight, overweight, and obesity in childhood and adolescence are associated with advPalabras claves:Autores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Acuin C., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Agyemang C., Ahmadvand A., Ahrens W., Ajlouni K., Akhtaeva N., Al-Hazzaa H.M., Al-Othman A.R., Al-Raddadi R., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Ali M.M., Ali O., Alkerwi A., Alvarez-Pedrerol M., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amouyel P., Amuzu A., Anderssen S.A., Ängquist L.H., Anjana R.M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Aryal K.K., Aspelund T., Assah F.K., Assuncao M.C.F., Aung M.S., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azizi F., Babu B.V., Bahijri S., Baker J.L., Balakrishna N., Bamoshmoosh M., Banach M., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Barkat A., Barros M.V.G., Bata I., Batieha A.M., Batista R.L., Batyrbek A., Baur L.A., Beaglehole R., Benedics J., Bennett J.E., Bentham J., Bhutta Z.A., Bilano V., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Chirita-Emandi A., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., de Barros A.J.D., Di Cesare M., Dolores S. Andrade, Ezzati M., Hajifathalian K., Hamid Z.A., Hayes A.J., Katz J., Kelishadi R., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Laxmaiah A., Li Y., Lu Y., Ma J., Miranda J.J., Mostafa A., Neovius M., Paciorek C.J., Padez C., Rampal L., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Savin S., Silvana P. Donoso, Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Zhou B., Zhu A.Fuentes:scopusWorldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: A pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4.4 million participants
ArticleAbstract: Background: One of the global targets for non-communicable diseases is to halt, by 2025, the rise inPalabras claves:Autores:Abdeen Z.A., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Agyemang C., Ahmadvand A., Al-Othman A.R., Ali M.K., Alkerwi A., Amouyel P., Amuzu A., Anderssen S.A., Angélica María Ochoa Aviles, Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Anjana R.M., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Aris T., Arlappa N., Arveiler D., Assah F.K., Avdicová M., Azizi F., Balakrishna N., Bandosz P., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Batieha A.M., Baur L.A., Benet M., Bennett J.E., Bentham J., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bharadwaj S., Bhargava S.K., Bi Y., Bixby H., Bjerregaard P., Bjertness E., Bjertness M.B., Björkelund C., Blokstra A., Bo Andersen L., Bo S., Boehm B.O., Boissonnet C.P., Bovet P., Brajkovich I., Breckenkamp J., Brenner H., Brewster L.M., Brian G.R., Bruno G., Bugge A., Can G., Cåndido A.P.C., Capuano V., Carlsson A.C., Carvalho M.J., Casanueva F.F., Casas J.P., Caserta C.A., Castetbon K., Chamukuttan S., Chaturvedi N., Chen C.J., Chen F., Chen S., Cheng C.Y., Chetrit A., Chiou S.T., Cho Y., Chudek J., Cifkova R., Claessens F., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., De León A.C., Di Cesare M., Ezzati M., Fouad H.M., Hajifathalian K., Kadir K.A., Lo W.C., Lu Y., Ma G., Mbanya J.C.N., McGarvey S.T., Miranda J.J., Mohan V., Onat A., Paciorek C.J., Pilav A., Ramachandran A., Reis-Santos B., Riley L.M., Rivera J.A., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Zhou B.Fuentes:googlerraaescopusWorldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants
ArticleAbstract: Background: Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments caPalabras claves:Autores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Afzal S., Agdeppa I.A., Aghazadeh-Attari J., Agyemang C., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmadi N., Ahmadizar F., Ahmed S.H., Ahrens W., Ajlouni K., Al-Raddadi R., Alarouj M., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Ali M.M., Alkandari A., Alkerwi A., Allin K., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amougou N., Amouyel P., Andersen L.B., Anderssen S.A., Anjana R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam A., Ansong D., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arku R.E., Arlappa N., Aryal K.K., Aspelund T., Assah F.K., Assuncao M.C.F., Auvinen J., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azimi-Nezhad M., Azizi F., Azmin M., Babu B.V., Bahijri S., Balakrishna N., Balanova Y., Bamoshmoosh M., Banach M., Banadinović M., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Baran J., Barbagallo C.M., Bennett J.E., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Cifkova R., Cowan M.J., Damasceno A., Danaei G., Elliott P., Ezzati M., Farzadfar F., Gregg E.W., He J., Ikeda N., Iurilli M.L.C., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Kim H.C., Laxmaiah A., Lhoste V.P.F., Lin H.H., Maira P.M., Miranda J.J., Neuhauser H.K., Paciorek C.J., Rahim H.F.A., Riley L.M., Salinas C.A.A., Savin S., Silvana P. Donoso, Singleton R.K., Solomon B.D., Sophiea M.K., Stevens G.A., Sundström J., Varghese C., Widyahening I.S., Woodward M., Zdrojewski T., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopusRepositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol
ArticleAbstract: High blood cholesterol is typically considered a feature of wealthy western countries1,2. However, dPalabras claves:Autores:Aadahl M., Abarca-Gómez L., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Agdeppa I.A., Aghazadeh-Attari J., Agyemang C., Ahluwalia T.S., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadi A., Ahmadi N., Ahmed S.H., Ahrens W., Ajlouni K., Alarouj M., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Ali M.M., Alkandari A., Alkerwi A., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amouyel P., Anderssen S.A., Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Anjana R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam A., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arku R.E., Arlappa N., Aryal K.K., Asghari G., Aspelund T., Assuncao M.C.F., Auvinen J., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azizi F., Azmin M., Balakrishna N., Bamoshmoosh M., Banach M., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Barkat A., Bata I., Batieha A.M., Batyrbek A., Baur L.A., Beaglehole R., Belavendra A., Benet M., Benn M., Bennett J.E., Berkinbayev S., Bernabe-Ortiz A., Bernotiene G., Bettiol H., Bhargava S.K., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Cifkova R., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., Dhana K., Di Cesare M., Farzadfar F., Giampaoli S., Gulayin P., Iurilli M.L.C., Jackson R.T., Kakarmath S., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Kuulasmaa K., Laxmaiah A., Margozzini P., Martinez A.R., Mathur P., Nordestgaard B.G., Paciorek C.J., Rahim H.F.A., Riley L.M., Romdhane H.B., Salinas C.A.A., Santero M., Savin S., Silvana P. Donoso, Sophiea M.K., Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Voortman T., Zhao D., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopusRising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults
ArticleAbstract: Body-mass index (BMI) has increased steadily in most countries in parallel with a rise in the proporPalabras claves:Autores:Abarca-Gómez L., Abdeen Z.A., Abdrakhmanova S., Abdul Ghaffar S., Abdul Hamid Z., Abu-Rmeileh N.M.E., Abubakar Garba J., Acosta-Cazares B., Adams R.J., Aekplakorn W., Afsana K., Agdeppa I.A., Agyemang C., Ahmad M.H., Ahmad N.A., Ahmadi N., Ahmadvand A., Ahrens W., Ajlouni K., Al-Hazzaa H.M., Al-Othman A.R., Al-Raddadi R., AlBuhairan F., Aldhukair S., Ali M.M., Ali O., Alkerwi A., Alvarez-Pedrerol M., Aly E., Amarapurkar D.N., Amouyel P., Amuzu A., Anderssen S.A., Angélica Ochoa Avilés, Ängquist L.H., Anjana R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam A., Aounallah-Skhiri H., Araújo J., Ariansen I., Aris T., Arku R.E., Arlappa N., Aryal K.K., Aspelund T., Assah F.K., Assuncao M.C.F., Aung M.S., Auvinen J., Avdicová M., Azevedo A., Azizi F., Azmin M., Babu B.V., Baharudin A., Bahijri S., Baker J.L., Balakrishna N., Bamoshmoosh M., Banach M., Bandosz P., Banegas J.R., Barbagallo C.M., Barceló A., Bennett J.E., Bentham J., Bhutta Z.A., Bixby H., Bo Andersen L., Bovet P., Carrillo-Larco R.M., Chirita-Emandi A., Cowan M.J., Danaei G., Di Cesare M., Gregg E.W., Hambleton I.R., Hayes A.J., Ikeda N., Iurilli M.L.C., Kengne A.P., Khang Y.H., Laxmaiah A., Li Y., McGarvey S.T., Miranda J.J., Mostafa A., Neovius M., Paciorek C.J., Riley L.M., Rodriguez-Martinez A., Salinas C.A.A., Savin S., Silvana P. Donoso, Solomon B.D., Sophiea M.K., Sorić M., Starc G., Stevens G.A., Taddei C., Zainuddin A.A., Zhou B.Fuentes:scopus