Palabras claves: chemical bonding, energy decomposition analysis, interaction energy, partitioning, status of the methods
Autores: Andrés J., Ayers P.W., Boto R.A., Chermette H., Cioslowski J., Contreras-Garcia J., Cooper D.L., Frenking G., Gatti C., Heidar-Zadeh F., Joubert L., Martín Pendás Á., Matito E., Mayer I., Misquitta A.J., Mo Y., Pilmé J., Popelier P.L.A., Rahm M., Ramón Carbö-D̈orca, Ramos-Cordoba E., Salvador P., Schwarz W.H.E., Shahbazian S., Silvi B., Solà M., Szalewicz K., Tognetti V., Weinhold F., Zins É.L.