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ForestGEO: Understanding forest diversity and dynamics through a global observatory network
ArticleAbstract: ForestGEO is a network of scientists and long-term forest dynamics plots (FDPs) spanning the Earth'sPalabras claves:Capacity strengthening, Demography, forest plots, Network science, species diversity, Tree growth and mortality, Tropical forestsAutores:Abiem I., Abu Salim K., Aguilar S., Allen D., Alonso A., Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Andrade A.S., Ashton P.S., Baker M.E., Baker P.J., Baltzer J.L., Basset Y., Bissiengou P., Bohlman S.A., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Burslem D.F.R.P., Cao M., Cárdenas López D., Chang L.W., Chang-Yang C.H., Chao K.J., Chao W.C., Chapman H., Chen Y.Y., Chisholm R.A., Chu C., Chuyong G.B., Clay K., Comita L.S., Condit R.S., Cordell S., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., den Ouden J., Detto M., Dick C.W., Du X., Duque A., Ediriweera S., Ellis E.C., Esufali S., Ewango C.E.N., Fernando E.S., Filip J., Fischer G.A., Foster R.B., Gabriel Arellano, Giambelluca T.W., Giardina C.P., Gilbert G.S., Gonzalez-Akre E.B., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Hao Z., Hau B.C.H., He F., Howe R.W., Hubbell S.P., Huth A., Inman-Narahari F.M., Itoh A., Janík D., Jansen P.A., Jiang M., Johnson D.J., Jones F.A., Kanzaki M., Kenfack D., Kiratiprayoon S., Kral K., Krizel L., Lao S., Larson A.J., Li X., Li Y.D., Litton C.M., Liu S., Liu Y., Lum S.K.Y., Luskin M.S., Lutz J.A., Luu H.T., Ma K., Makana J.R., Malhi Y., Martin A., McCarthy C., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Memiaghe H.R., Mi X., Mitre D., Mohamad M.B., Monks L., Muller-Landau H.C., Ni H., Obiang N.L.E., Oliveira A.A., Renato ValenciaFuentes:scopusMultispecies coexistence of trees in tropical forests: Spatial signals of topographic niche differentiation increase with environmental heterogeneity
ArticleAbstract: Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree speciePalabras claves:Cross-pair overlap distribution, Neutral theory, niche differentiation, Spatial pattern, Species coexistence, Tropical ForestAutores:Bao L., Brockelman W.Y., Brown C., Burslem D.F.R.P., Cao M., Chang L.W., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Huang J., Illian J.B., Kassim A.R., laFrankie J.V., Law R., Lian J., Lin L., Ma K., Mi X., Nathalang A., Noor S., Ong P.S., Renato Valencia, Su S.H., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thompson J., Uriarte M., Yap S.L., Ye W.Fuentes:googlescopusPatterns of nitrogen-fixing tree abundance in forests across Asia and America
ArticleAbstract: Symbiotic nitrogen (N)-fixing trees can provide large quantities of new N to ecosystems, but only ifPalabras claves:Forest, Legume, Nitrogen fixation, nutrient limitation, Smithsonian ForestGEO, symbiosisAutores:Abu Salim K., Allen D., Alvarez M., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Butt N., Cao M., Chanthorn W., Chao W.C., Chisholm R.A., Clay K., Condit R.S., Cordell S., da Silva J.B., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., de Andrade A.S., den Ouden J., Drescher M., Fletcher C.D., Fung T., Giardina C.P., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Hau B.C.H., He F., Howe R.W., Hsieh C.F., Hubbell S.P., Inman-Narahari F.M., Jansen P.A., Johnson D.J., Kassim A.R., Kong L.S., Kral K., Ku C.C., Lai J., Larson A.J., Li X., Li Y.D., Lin L., Lin Y.C., Liu S., Lum S.K.Y., Lutz J.A., Ma K., Malhi Y., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Menge D.N.L., Mi X., Morecroft M.D., Myers J.A., Nathalang A., Novotny V., Oliveira A.A., Ong P.S., Orwig D.A., Ostertag R., Parker G.G., Phillips R.P., Renato Valencia, Sack L., Sang W., Savitri Gunatilleke C.V., Shen G., Shringi A., Shue J., Su S.H., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas S.C., Toko P.S., Vallejo M.I., Vicentini A., Vrška T., Wang B., Wang X., Weiblen G.D., Wolf A.T., Xu H., Yap S.L., Zhu L.Fuentes:googlescopusPlant diversity increases with the strength of negative density dependence at the global scale
ArticleAbstract: Theory pbkp_redicts that higher biodiversity in the tropics is maintained by specialized interactionPalabras claves:Autores:Alonso A., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Chang L.W., Chiang J.M., Chuyong G.B., Clay K., Condit R.S., Cordell S., Davies S.J., Furniss T.J., Giardina C.P., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., He F., Howe R.W., Hsieh C.F., Hubbell S.P., Inman-Narahari F.M., J. Sebastián Tello, Janík D., Johnson D.J., Kenfack D., Korte L., Kral K., LaManna J.A., Larson A.J., Lutz J.A., Mangan S.A., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Memiaghe H.R., Myers J.A., Nathalang A., Novotny V., Ong P.S., Orwig D.A., Ostertag R., Parker G.G., Phillips R.P., Sack L., Sun I.F., Thomas D.W., Turner B.L., Vela Díaz D.M., Vrška T., Weiblen G.D., Wolf A.T., Yap S.L.Fuentes:scopusSpatial patterns reveal negative density dependence and habitat associations in tropical trees
ArticleAbstract: Understanding how plant species coexist in tropical rainforests is one of the biggest challenges inPalabras claves:Environmental heterogeneity, Inhomogeneous K function, Janzen-Connell hypothesis, Negative density dependence, Species coexistence, Tropical rain forestAutores:Bagchi R., Brown P.E., Burslem D.F.R.P., Diggle P.J., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Henrys P.A., Kassim A.R., Law R., Noor S., Renato ValenciaFuentes:googlescopusTemporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient
OtherAbstract: Among the local processes that determine species diversity in ecological communities, fluctuation-dePalabras claves:Biodiversity, Environmental variance, extinction risk, stochastic model, storage effect, temporal niche partitioningAutores:Anderson-Teixeira K.J., Bourg N.A., Brockelman W.Y., Bunyavejchewin S., Chang-Yang C.H., Chisholm R.A., Chitra-Tarak R., Chuyong G.B., Condit R.S., Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Ewango C.E.N., Fewless G., Fletcher C.D., Fung T., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Hao Z., Hogan J.A., Howe R.W., Hsieh C.F., Kenfack D., Lin Y.C., Ma K., Makana J.R., Mcmahon S.M., McShea W.J., Mi X., Nathalang A., Ong P.S., Parker G.G., Rau E.P., Renato Valencia, Shue J., Su S.H., Sukumar R., Sun I.F., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas D.W., Thompson J., Vallejo M.I., Wang X., Wang Y., Wijekoon P., Wolf A.T., Yap S.L., Zimmerman J.K.Fuentes:googlescopusThe importance of demographic niches to tree diversity
ArticleAbstract: Most ecological hypotheses about species coexistence hinge on species differences, but quantifying tPalabras claves:Autores:Ashton P.S., Bunyavejchewin S., Condit R.S., Consuelo Hernández, Dattaraja H.S., Davies S.J., Esufali S., Ewango C.E.N., Foster R.B., Gunatilleke C.V.S., Gunatilleke I.A.U.N., Hall P., Harms K.E., Hart T.B., Hubbell S.P., Itoh A., Kassim A.R., Kiratiprayoon S., laFrankie J.V., Loo De Lao S., Makana J.R., Noor M.N.S., Renato Valencia, Russo S., Samper C., Sukumar R., Suresh H.S., Tan S., Thomas S.C., Vallejo M.I., Villa G., Zillio T.Fuentes:googlescopus