Decreto Ejecutivo Nº 813 publicado en el Registro Oficial Nº. 489 del 12 de julio del 2011 y su incidencia.


Those who seek to serve as public servants must meet certain requirements, also when they enter must fulfill their duties, and to enforce their rights in case of default shall be civil, criminal and administrative sanctions. Likewise, we know that is in the plan of good living working safety (as) public servants and the Constitution guarantees to public sector labor regime and are also protected by organic laws, ordinary, regulations and international treaties recognized in Ecuador. In our country, public servants are covered by the Public Service Organic Act and its regulations, but also with the power enshrined in the Constitution of Ecuador, the Executive issued a decree to the regulations of the Law on Public Service, which allows the same voluntary resignation with compensation and that is the focus of this research study. Its application, causes, effects and consequences are the main topics, also, its implementation has led those who have been compensated present constitutional protections, which lead us to analyze and draw conclusions, recommendations in addition to the proposed reform.

Año de publicación:



  • Magíster en Derecho Administrativo – Tesis y disertaciones académicas
  • Derecho administrativo – Ecuador



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Política pública

Áreas temáticas:

  • Derecho privado
  • Procesos de sales metálicas
  • Derecho