Abstracts of Presentations at the 19th Congress of the Israeli Phytopathological Society: February 16–17, 1998 ARO, the Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel
For the first time in history, mankind has reached the stage of being able to damage severely the Earth's carrying capacity. This is mainly the result of three recently accelerating trends:(i) a rapid increase in the Earth's population;(ii) a rapid improvement in the standard of living; and (iii) extensive use of non-renewable resources, some of which have deletrious effects on the environment (eg'greenhouse gases' and'ozone killing'compounds). A growing body of evidence testifies to the effect of various human activities, including those related to agriculture, on the productivity of agricultural systems. A consensus is emerging that conventional agriculture employs non-sustainable practices. It follows, therefore, that if we want to secure the future of generations to come, we must adopt different, sustainability-oriented practices. Of these, the most efficient are: minimizing the use of external inputs; and devising a pricing policy …
Año de publicación:
Tipo de documento:
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Fitopatología
- Ciencias Agrícolas
Áreas temáticas:
- Agricultura y tecnologías afines
- Huertos, frutas, silvicultura
- Ganadería