Detecting the Lμ-Lτ gauge boson at Belle II
We discuss the feasibility of detecting the gauge boson of the U(1)Lμ-Lτ symmetry, which possesses a mass in the range between MeV and GeV, at the Belle-II experiment. The kinetic mixing between the new gauge boson Z′ and photon is forbidden at the tree level and is radiatively induced. The leptonic force mediated by such a light boson is motivated by the discrepancy in muon anomalous magnetic moment and also the gap in the energy spectrum of cosmic neutrino. Defining the process e+e-→γZ′→γνν(missing energy) to be the signal, we estimate the numbers of the signal and the background events and show the parameter region to which the Belle-II experiment will be sensitive. The signal process in the Lμ-Lτ model is enhanced with a light Z′, which is a characteristic feature differing from the dark photon models with a constant kinetic mixing. We find that the Belle-II experiment with the design luminosity will be sensitive to the Z′ with the mass MZ′ 1 GeV and the new gauge coupling gZ′8×10-4, which covers a half of the unconstrained parameter region that explains the discrepancy in muon anomalous magnetic moment. The possibilities to improve the significance of the detection are also discussed.
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Tipo de documento:
Acceso restringido
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Física de partículas
Áreas temáticas:
- Física moderna