Diagnóstico de necesidades de formación de los docentes de bachillerato del colegio nocturno Santiago Roldós, de la provincia del Guayas, ciudad de Guayaquil, periodo 2012 – 2013


The present work was made with the purpose of elaborating a Diagnosis of the formation necessities that have the educational ones of baccalaureate of the nocturnal school “Santiago Roldós”. In order to determine the measurable data a population conformed by 1 director analyzed itself, 1 administrator and 20 educational ones, are located in a zone of limited economic resources. A survey with the lineamients explained by the advisers of the UTPL was made, the primary target is to analyze which are the necessities that have the educational ones, in their professional formation to diagnose their necessities and contributes in the elaboration of a program of academic formation, that is enabled to offer to an education of quality and the development of the institution. It can to determine that he is indispensable to initiate courses, seminaries, that they sensitize to academic towards process of formation and update, because it is possible to be observed in the results that the teachers do not have a suitable academic update, but have the experience, that them aid to establish the necessities of their students, but could give better educative quality if they acquired a suitable academic update

Año de publicación:



  • Magister en gerencia y liderazgo educacional- Tesis y disertaciones académicas
  • Formacion Profesional de maestros
  • Personal docente



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía
  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Cuestiones de política pública en materia de educación