Diseño del taller mecánico y de la gestión técnico-administrativa del área de mantenimiento vehicular para la empresa OSP Comercializadora Cía. Ltda.


The structures and processes which start a business, require over time and market growth, continual improvement to meet the levels of expansion and changing market demands. In the city of Quito is based OSP Comercializadora Cia. Ltda, the same that coordinates logistics operations and transportation from the city of Esmeraldas and is dedicated to the commercialization of petroleum products, being a very important part of their service delivery of these to the place where required by the client. This condition delivery has been the key to the positive development of the organization, resulting in the use of a fleet of vehicles that are responsible for the delivery of the products nationwide.

Año de publicación:



  • Mantenimiento
  • Taller Mecanico



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Ingeniería de manufactura

Áreas temáticas:

  • Otras ramas de la ingeniería
  • Dirección general