Educational resources as learning strategies in the Flipped Classroom Methodology


Nowadays, educators are looking for a better way to teach through active methodologies that promote meaningful learning. This research shows the most used active methodologies, among them Flipped Classroom, for which we analyzed its benefits, relationship with other methodologies, application stages in the teaching-learning process, tools and resources to achieve significant learning in high school students in the subject of Mathematics. Several tools and resources were found for each stage of the implementation of this methodology, from the development of videos, dynamic presentations, interactive online activities, evaluations, contests, among others. Being the resources with the best results for this methodology, the videos made by the teacher, since they significantly benefit the learning of students, for this reason we propose the steps to make video lessons, so that teachers can implement the Flipped Classroom methodology and students can enjoy learning, reviewing the material at their own pace and ensure that the teacher has the role of guide and counselor to achieve a quality education and warmth.

Año de publicación:



  • Meaningful learning
  • flipped Classroom
  • Mathematics



Tipo de documento:

Conference Object


Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial