Efectos de la aplicación de silicio y fosfito de potacio en la variedad de arroz SFL-09 Oriza sativa L.


In this research project in which the “effects of silicon and potassium phosphite application on rice variety SFL-09 (Oryza sativa. L)”, was carried out during the dry season of the year 2016 at “El Remanso” farm, which is located at the geographical coordinates: 2°16'08.3" latitude S 79 ° 37'02.1"W western longitude in Buena Fe enclosure, Yaguachi Canton, Guayas Province. The general objective of the research was to study the effects of Silicon and Potassium Phosphite application to the SFL-09 rice variety in order to strengthen its resistance to insects, pests and diseases. The factors under study were foliar application of a dose of silicon, 0.20 L / ha and two doses of potassium phosphite 0.5 and 1.0 L / ha applied at 15, 30 and 45 days after transplantation. The fully randomized block design (DBCA) with a factorial arrangement was used, with four replicates and six treatments. Each plot had a size of 35m², for the comparison of the means, it was used the Tukey test at 5% of probability. All the agronomic variables were measured at harvest time, concluding with a comparative economic analysis for each of the treatments, in order to measure the benefit of the use of these products,. All the variables evaluated had no significant effects on the agronomic behavior of the rice crop; however, the application of silicon and potassium phosphite increased the yields in the sector of Buena Fe by comparing the traditional management of the crop (control) in which a production of 6100,89 kg / ha was obtained with treatment six, which reached the highest yield when 7106.23 kg / ha of adjusted weight were obtained, where three foliar applications of silicon and potassium phosphite were carried out in doses of 0.20 and 1.0 L / ha. The production cost per hectare of treatment 6 was the highest of all the treatments with 1192.78 USD / ha, obtaining also the best average production with 7106.44 kg / ha of adjusted weight, this treatment presented a numerical difference of 1005 Kg, which represented $ 293,52 / ha in profits, unlike the control, because of its higher yield also reached the lowest cost of producction.

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Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


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Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Ciencia agraria
  • Ciencias Agrícolas

Áreas temáticas:

  • Alimentación y bebidas