El Proyecto Educativo Institucional y su incidencia en el mejoramiento de la Calidad Educativa del Colegio de Bachillerato Rafael Rodríguez Palacios de la Parroquia Malacatos, sección vespertina, cantón Loja, periodo 2016-2017


The present research Work is constituted a study of the incidence of the Institutional Educational Project in the improvement of the Educational Quality, in the school of Baccalaureate by Rafael Rodríguez Palacios, Parish Malacatos, of the Canton and Province of Loja; it includes a proposal of renewal of the PEI as instrument of soport to reach the quality and educational relevancy of the institution, since one has determined that the improvement of educational quality alone can be achieved from the management and strategic planning with the participation of the whole educational community. The investigation developed by means of a methodological process that combined the analytical-descrptive, inductive-deductive, statistical-hermeneutic thing allowing a descriptive and exploratory analysis of the investigated problem. Also for the information compilation one was necessary skills of the reading, obsarvation and survey, guaranteeing a nearby approach with the object of study; the used instruments were questionnaires directed to the actors of the educational community: Rector, Teachers, students and same family parents, who facilitated to gather information on the incidence of the PEI as instrument of management in the improvement of the educational quality.

Año de publicación:



  • Educación secundaria – Loja(Ecuador)
  • Magister en gerencia y liderazgo educacional – Tesis y disertaciones académicas
  • Proyecto Educativo Institucional – Estudio
  • Calidad de la educación – Investigación



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía
  • Educación superior

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Cuestiones de política pública en materia de educación