El emprendimiento y su influencia en el desarrollo socioeconómico del cantón Paján.


This research work has the objective to determine how entrepreneurship influences in the socioeconomic development of the Pajan District. This research is based contextually on the development of the different productive sectors of the population and it is main economic activities, which are the sustenance for diverse families. In this research are established the different theoretical approaches, conceptual, legal and referential framework in relation to entrepreneurship. The applied research method is deductive, the research is mixed, due to a qualitative and quantitative analysis was carry out, which gave us results close to the current socioeconomic situation of the population. The type of research is descriptive and correlational. The socio-economic development of the Pajan District is analyzed by the application of surveys to the economically active families of the District. To measure the correlation between the variables of education level, income level and economic activity, the statistical technique of the Pearson correlation coefficient was applied. In conclusion, the entrepreneurial activity at the Pajan District has been poorly developed due to the centralized activities of previous administrations and the lack of support for the economically active people of the canton who do want to be trained, but do not have the financial resources. For this reason, is presented a proposal to improve the entrepreneurial activity in the Pajan District, so in that way, the decentralized municipal autonomous government, the universities, and the ministry of productivity and industries can work together, achieving sustainable entrepreneurship over time.

Año de publicación:



  • Desarrollo Sostenible
  • Desarrollo Socioeconómico



Tipo de documento:



Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Emprendimiento
  • Emprendimiento

Áreas temáticas:

  • Producción
  • Economía
  • Dirección general