El gobierno federal provincial de Loja (1859-1861)
This researchexamines and analyzesthe formation of theFederalGovernment ofLoja onSeptember 19th of 1859until 186, that wasintroducedduringa period of political, economic, social and administrativeinstabilityofEcuadorin 1858, that caused a nationalcrisis. During this periodthe peopleofLojaProvinceformeda federal government,and establisheda number of importantpolitical and administrativereformsfor the entiresouthern region, among which are: territorial changesin the cantons ofLoja,tradeandeconomic progress, new and different taxes, and the establishment ofinstitutions like justice, government, education, and commerce, among others. A popularAssembly inLojain 1859appointedManuel CarriónPinzanoas the CivilandMilitary ChiefofFederalProvincialGovernment ofLojauntil 1861. This researchaims to analyzeand examinethe causes,political-administrative purposes, and the federalproposed reforms, the institutions that were created, and the roleof the people form Loja during those times. We studythefederalism of Loja, through the political,socialand cultural dimensions. The theoretical andmethodological orientationof the newsocialand cultural history.An important contributionof this study, is the useof unpublisheddocumentary sources onthe Province ofLoja, as well as the positions of differentintellectuals, writers, and historians from Loja, and also the points of view of other Ecuadorian scholar’s and historians. Those points of view illustrate us about the causes, historical context and origin of the creation of the federal government of Loja Province. Another aim of this thesis is the analysis of the political centralist and unionist point of view from Quito as the capital city of Ecuador.
Año de publicación:
- Historia De Loja
- Provincia de Loja
- Federalismo

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
Áreas temáticas:
- Historia de Sudamérica
- Historia de América del Norte
- Ciencias políticas (Política y gobierno)