(Ceratocystis fimbriata causative agent of vascular wilt disease of Tectona grandis Lf (teak) in Ecuador).
Tectona grandis Lf it is a hardwood forest species, which despite not being native to America, its adaptive plasticity has allowed intensive plantations to be established for export purposes in Ecuador. A complex disease with characteristics of vascular wilt is killing thousands of trees of different ages in the country. It was proposed to know the phytopathogenic agent causing the pathogenesis and death of the trees. Fusarium sp. and Ceratocystis fimbriata Ellis & Halst. were isolated from diseased trees. At the greenhouse level, Koch's postulates were proposed, for the effect 30 four month old T. grandis plants for each treatment were inoculated with the microorganisms as described below: T1= C. fimbriata, T2= Fusarium sp., T3= C. fimbriata+ Fusarium sp., T4= agar-agar (control). A complete randomized design (DCA) was used and the plants were evaluated 45 days after inoculation. The treatments C. fimbriata, and C. fimbriata+ Fusarium sp. showed higher apparent volumes of necrosis, with 1.52 cm3 and 1.93 cm3, and plants killed by the infection during the evaluation time, while Fusarium sp. showed low or no pathogenicity and behavior similar to the control, with 0.27 cm3 and 0.16 cm3 respectively. These results suggest that the causative agent of vascular wilt disease in T. grandis is C. fimbriata and it would be the first report of phytopathogen attacking teak in Ecuador.
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Tipo de documento:
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Fitopatología
- Planta
- Microbiología
Áreas temáticas:
- Lesiones, enfermedades y plagas de las plantas
- Huertos, frutas, silvicultura
- Microorganismos, hongos y algas