Embarazo subsecuente y su relación con el uso o no de anticoncepción en adolescentes de 10 a 19 años, atendidas en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, Cuenca, 2018
When we talk about teenage pregnancy, we generally understand that it is the mother's first child. But there is a large number of adolescents who have had more than one pregnancy (1) (8). The ease with which adolescents carry a new pregnancy is evident, after a previous pregnancy in a period of 1 and 2 years (30% and 25 to 50% respectively) (2) (3). Objective: To establish the relationship of subsequent pregnancy with the use or not of contraception in adolescents treated at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital (HVCM) during the year 2017. Methodology: A retrospective analytical prevalence study was conducted. The sample consisted of 252 clinical histories. In the descriptive analysis, absolute and relative frequencies, central tendency and dispersion measurements were estimated. The Odds ratio with 95% CI was used to evaluate risk and the p value was determined to evaluate association. Results: The prevalence of subsequent pregnancy is 21.4%. The first pregnancy occurs on average at 15.6 years, and the subsequent pregnancy at 17.4 years. Sixty-three percent of adolescents with a second pregnancy do not continue their studies (OR 1.05), (p 0.05). It is reported that 79.6% of adolescents with subsequent pregnancies did not use a contraceptive method. In relation to planned pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy 83.3% of subsequent pregnancies were unplanned. Conclusions: Subsequent pregnancy during adolescence is related to non-use of contraceptive methods. Keywords: Pregnancy in Adolescence, Contraceptives, Adolescents, Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital.
Año de publicación:
- Embarazo en Adolescencia
- Adolescentes
- Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso
Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Obstetricia
- Salud pública
Áreas temáticas:
- Ginecología, obstetricia, pediatría, geriatría
- Otros problemas y servicios sociales
- Grupos de personas