Ambientes mixtos de aprendizaje para la enseñanza del kichwa


This project proposes mixed learning environments as an alternative that allows to take advantage of physical and digital resources, strategies and spaces, to stimulate the teaching-learning process of Kichwa, inside and outside the classroom. This arises in the framework of pre-professional practices with the third year of Basic General Education of the Unidad Educativa Comunitaria Intercultural Bilingüe “Amauta Ñanpi”, Puyo. In this context, some difficulties were identified that limited the learning of the Kichwa language, given by the cultural and linguistic diversity of the students, and the habitual use of pedagogical components. To address this approach, Action Research was used as a methodology, which allowed for a cyclical process of diagnosis, action plan, action and reflection. This generated the bases of empirical foundation and theoretical reflection that are reflected in the theoretical framework, analysis, and finally in the proposal, through a didactic guide that guides the generation of mixed environments.

Año de publicación:





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    Acceso abierto

    Áreas de conocimiento:

    • Pedagogía

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Educación
    • Austronesias y otras lenguas
    • Lengua