Estilos de crianza parental en adolescentes infractores
This research is made in a quantitative form, in a descriptive way, the purpose, to identify the types of parental breeding of the parents or tutors of the violators from the CAI Loja, to have knowledge of the predominant style and characterize its family structure. To do this it was used a questionnaire of parental practices of Robinson and Cols. (1995), based on the styles of breeding from Baumrind; and the interview ‘’the family structure of the children victims of bullying and aggression in school’’ from Ordoñez and Mazon (2014), modified in the context; instruments applied to 30 families. The results indicated the use of 3 styles in different measure, with a predominance of permissive in a 53.3%, fallowed of authoritarian in a 33.3% and authoritative in 13.3%. The Family structure of the three groups of style incised in the decontrolled type. In the permissive group the limits on the subsystems were rigid in exception of the conjugal and the paternal that were diffuse. In the authoritarian, limits are rigid for having more control and to impose the rules. In the authoritative, limits are diffuse; hierarchy, and there are rules more strict, which was not the expected. All the families form coalitions against one of the parents; occupy the affective roll of the matter, and the instrumental to the father who was peripheral; the economic context is low as well.
Año de publicación:
- estilos de crianza
- Tesis De Maestria En Psicoterapia Del Niño Y La Familia
- adolescente
- familia

Tipo de documento:
Master Thesis
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Áreas de conocimiento:
Áreas temáticas:
- Grupos de personas
- Criminología
- Crianza de niños y cuidado de personas en el hogar