Estudio de la calidad de agua, sedimentos y organismos del ecosistena circundante al Balneario La Playita en El Estero Salado (Estero Cobina)


The present thesis, has as an aim to investigate the pollutants of the estuary, of the river called Cobina in the city of Guayaquil in the province of the Guayas, Having a geographic location of 79°53'0"of the longitude of west and 2°17'0"of latitude of south. And been physically situated in the extrenities of the city and connected to the delta or the opening mouth of the maritime . The reasons to realise an investigation about this river is that in the last couple of years it has been an object of innumerable contaminated actions in the river, as it has been the own proximity at the end of the terminal harbour, The amount of houses built by the river and the discharge without any management and much less with out any treatment for the human and industrial waters that makes polluted waters. To make a correct characteristic and observe the accumulated and eutrofic action in the stream mentioned above, we have chosen as our central point of the present study at the spa called LA PLAYITA, We believe that it was convenient to choose this particular point because it gathers every single characteristic needed to determined the type of influence. The parameters selected to the characterisation are the ones that indicate the law of the waters in the republic of ECUADOR, are physical, chemical, and microbiological parameters consisting of: Temperature, cleanliness, solids totally dissolved, hydrogen potential. Between the chemical parameters we have dissolved oxygen, biochemical, of oxygen and the micronutrients which are nitrides, nitrates, silicates, and phosphates. The microbiological parameters are recounts of total coliformes, human waste coliformes, escherichia collie, which area micro-organisms or bacteria of nitrates. These were choosen months for this characterisation were October, November, and December 2000. Chosen because of them been the last tree months of the year when the dry season in the weather comes and the repetitive collection of samples were carried out during the days of low see levels and high tides.

Año de publicación:






Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Ecosistema
  • Ecosistema
  • Servicios de ecosistema

Áreas temáticas:

  • Historia natural
  • Geología, hidrología, meteorología
  • Ecología