Estudio de la estructura familiar de las familias de los alumnos(as)y su relación con el rendimiento académico. Unidad Educativa Zoila A. Palacios. Cuenca 2011-2013


This research investigated family structure and its relation to academic achievement in children, its goal was to study the family structure and academic achievement of pupils at “Zoila Aurora Palacios” school in Cuenca, Ecuador. Quantitative and qualitative methods were applied and “fundamental theory” is the underlying conceptual premise. The universe consists of the total student population at this school with a sample of twenty students and their families from which the academic grade information was obtained (school records) and to whom a structured interview guide was applied to gain data for analysis on family structure. The results show that children from families with a stable income and an adequate family structure show high academic achievement. Children from poor single parent families whose structure lacks the presence of either father or mother, and where the parental units lack basic academic skills, have low levels of academic achievement. Conclusions: if children are low achievers in school the family environment needs to be examined. Family structures where the emotional presence and economic contribution of a parent is missing are dysfunctional. Having children should be based on profound reflection on part of men and women since it is unfair to children if their basic needs can´t be attended to.

Año de publicación:



  • estructura familiar
  • Escuela Zoila Aurora Palacios
  • Genograma
  • Tesis De Maestria En Intervencion Psicosocial Familiar
  • rendimiento académico
  • familia



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía
  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Cultura e instituciones
  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Etiqueta (Modales)