Estudio de plazas centrales en siete ciudades patrimoniales de Los Andes del Azuay ecuatoriano
In this inves tiga tion , the formal values o f the central parks in Andean ci ties o f Ecuador were recognized, for which i t was decided to s tudy seven ci ties declared cul tural heri tage o f the na tion , a s ta temen t tha t they have, because , these his torical cen ters main tain and conserve si tes , cus toms , and archi tec ture wi th unique charac teris tics tha t have been main tained over time. It is for this reason the interest of studying the central parks and analyzing their elements and their spatial relationships. The purpose is to reveal those universal qualities, valued from the perspec tive o f the fundamen tals of modern archi tec ture , through the abs trac tion of the iden ti fied forms tha t make up these spaces. Based on the concep ts o f moderni ty and through the analysis o f the genera tion o f form , research is organized in to seven fields tha t are applied to each space.Through the drawing, the componen ts are regis tered, through an abs trac tion process , the essence of the forms is ob tained. This facili ta tes the unders tanding and characteristics of these elemen ts and the rela tionships between them. This allows us to use more clearly, a selfless aes thetic judgment to unveil formal values .
Año de publicación:
- Provincia del Azuay
- Diseño arquitectónico
- Centro Historico
Tipo de documento:
Master Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Geografía
- Planificación urbana
Áreas temáticas:
- Comunidades
- Ordenación del territorio (Arte cívico)
- Geografía y viajes en América del Norte