Evaluaciòn de indicadores productivos en cerdos machos (sus scrofa domesticus) castrados por método inmunológico
The pig, the biggest, monogastric and omnivorous mammalian animal, can be in the wild or domestic state; its scientific name in the natural state is scrofa ferus known as wild boar or wild pig in contrast to those domesticated that receive the name of your scrofa domesticus, its meat takes a very important role in the world feeding, for its high nourishing value and agreeable flavor that makes the main power supplies be one, occupying the second place in consumption on a global scale on having contributed less quantity of cholesterol and calories compared with other meats, be a source of vitamins and minerals and be considered to be a healthy meat by its minor contained in sodium and high place contained in potassium. The sexual smell, sensory characteristic of smell of urine in meats proceeding from entire male pigs, is produced by the hormones combination androgénicas like the testosterone and androsterona, of type esteroidal that takes place in the cells of Leydig of the testicles and the escatol product that is obtained of the intestinal anaerobic degradation of the triptófano. The castration, in any of its skills there is practised in sucking pigs destined for the fattening for the purpose of eliminating the sexual characteristics of the pig boar that is characterized by its aggressive behavior and the bad smell and flavor of the channel. An effective and efficient alternative is the inmunocastración, by means of administration of vaccines (IMPROVAC). The present work investigative realized in the farm porcícola “San Francisco “located in the parish Small farm, Canton Fine sands, Province The Gold, evaluated the index of nutritive conversion and volume testicular, the adipose content and the characteristics organoleptic of the meat, in pigs with an age of beginning of the treatment with IMPROVAC of 79 and 89 days and I weigh between 25 to 45 kg. In the investigation 2 pigs treatments were studied inmunocastrados in two moments of application to 90-120 days (T1) and 80-110 days (T2); the investigation had a duration of 75 days. A test was carried out T Student for independent samples, fulfillment before to the assumptions of normality of the information and homogeneity of variances, when these assumptions were not fulfilled test was applied not parametric H of Kruskal-Wallis. The results show that the nutritive conversion although it did not present significant difference between the treatments, if it was low in T1 (2,40) on having been compared with T2 (2,63). The volume testicular showed differences significant (p> 0,05), between the treatments being low this indicator in T2 (33,46 cm2) that in T1 (71,74 cm2). The adipose content, it did not show significant differences for the pigs in both inmunocastración treatments, nevertheless on having been compared with the adipose content in the pigs castrated by the traditional method (CQ), if significant differences appeared (p <0,05) after these had major fat quantity. The characteristics organoleptic for the variables; color, smell, tendernes and succulence pigs did not present differences significantpara inmunocastrados and castrated by traditional method, but variable flavor if it showed significant difference (p <0,05) in favor of the meat of pigs castrated by the traditional method (CQ). One concludes that the inmunocastración method at the time that it guarantees a suitable corporal development of the animals in better well-being conditions, produces an innocuous meat for the human consumption.
Año de publicación:
- Cerdos

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Medicina veterinaria
Áreas temáticas:
- Ganadería