Evaluación agronómica de materiales de ajonjolí Sesamum indicum L. a través de poblaciones de plantas
This research was conducted during the dry season of 2015 in the Campus Will of God, canton La Troncal, Cañar province. The factors studied were three Ajonjolí materials: M1 (Ca 22), M2 (Portoviejo 1) and M3 (Portoviejo 2); P1 (200 000), P2 (250 000) and P3 (300 000): Three plant populations were also studied. The research objectives were: 1) To evaluate the agronomic performance of three materials sesame three plant populations; 2) Perform an economic analysis of treatments. The design of a randomized complete block in factorial arrangement was used during the investigation 3 x 3, giving a total of 9 treatments, with three replicates. Test Multiple Range Duncan at 5% probability was used to compare treatment means, the variables evaluated were: days to flowering, plant height (cm) Height start the first capsule (cm) , number of capsules per plant, number of capsules per node, capsule length (cm), number of seeds per capsule, 1000 seeds weight (g), which were evaluated through three plant populations. During the investigation the following results were obtained: 1) plant height and height start of the first capsule, it appears that plant populations did not exert significant differences in the materials evaluated; however the variety Portoviejo 1 has the highest averages when evaluated with 300,000 PLTS/ha; 2) capsules per plant and per node, it is observed that the evaluated material is not significantly influenced by plant populations studied; however in the variables noted the variety stands Portoviejo 1 to present the highest averages in the population of 250,000 PLTS/ha. 3) Performance materials evaluated protrude significantly Portoviejo 1 and
Año de publicación:
- Comportamiento Agronómico

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
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Áreas de conocimiento:
- Ciencia agraria
- Ciencias Agrícolas
Áreas temáticas:
- Agricultura y tecnologías afines
- Técnicas, equipos y materiales
- Cultivos de campo y plantaciones