Evaluación de cinco variedades de arroz oriza sativa L. sembrados en el sistema intensivo SRI


The present investigation was carried out it from January to May of the 2015 in the place El Cerezo tree, of the canton Rocafuerte of the county of Manabí, located at 0º49’55” of South latitude and 80º29’16” of longitude West, with an altitude of 8 msnm, according to data of the Meteorological Station of Portoviejo, which presented as objectives to determine the behavior of several cultivares of rice among them INIAP-11, INIAP-11, INIAP-15, INIAP-18 and RABBIT (to Cultivate Creole), with the sowing system (it transplants traditional (20 days and SRI 8 days). For it was used it at random a statistical analysis of Blocks in Divided Parcels 5 x 2, with four repetitions, 10 treatment, being able to obtain 40 experimental units, where based on the obtained results it was determined that the plant height cultivating Rabbit with 120,54 cm obtained the biggest value, while the smallest values reported them the varieties of the INIAP. While the macollos number for m2 was for the variety INIAP-11 with 30,62 macollos for m2 and the biggest weight in 1000 seeds with 16,74 grams. On the other hand, the macollos number for panícula, obtained it the variety INIAP-14 with 28,20 macollos for panícula, being similar statistically to INIAP-11, INIAP-15 and INIAP-18. Likewise in the panícula longitude it was for cultivating INIAP-18 with the biggest panícula longitude with 23,22 cm and grains full with 94,17%. In the yield in kg for parcel and hectare the biggest yield was for the cultivars INIAP- 14, INIAP-15 and INIAP-18 with 7,18 kg for equivalent parcel to 5.916 kg for hectare. In the interactions the treatment integrated by cultivating INIAP-18 with SRI to the 8 days obtained the biggest production with 7,67 kg for parcel and 6.391 kg for hectare. The Calculation of Budget Partially determined that the best economic alternative was gotten with the use of INIAP-18 and the system SRI 8 days which registered a Rate of Marginal Return of 1.166%

Año de publicación:



  • Arroz
  • Variedades de arroz



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Ciencia agraria
  • Ciencias Agrícolas

Áreas temáticas:

  • Agricultura y tecnologías afines
  • Cultivos de campo y plantaciones
  • Técnicas, equipos y materiales