Evaluation of the Spermate Quality of Cattle Players Through the use of Conventional Seminal Evaluation Systems and Casa System
The objective of this study was to compare the results of some parameters of seminal quality of bulls obtained by the Conventional method and also by the computerized CASA system, other objective was to determinate if there is any difference in seminal quality between Jersey, Holstein and Brown Swiss bulls. Semen samples were collected from 5 bulls and were analyzed by the conventional method which parameters are: Individual motility (%), Mass motility (1-5), Neubauer chamber concentration (106 spermatozoa/ml) and individual post-freezing motility (%). The same samples were analyzed by CASA method, which variables are: Total motility (%), Progressive motility (%), concentration (106 spermatozoa/ml) and total post-freezing motility (%). Results obtained by each breed of bulls in these parameters were compared using a Duncan multiple range test to assess statistical differences. The result was that Jersey bull’s semen had the higher counts for most o the variables compared with the other two. The entire population of results by the Conventional method was also compared against the entire population of results by CASA, in those parameters that are equivalent between the two methods: motility (individual vs total), concentration (Neubabuer vs CASA) and post-freezing motility. This comparison was performed with a Student test that proved there were differences between the two methods in all the studied parameters. In the case of motility, the conventional method showed an average 79% against the 75.56% of the CASA system. In concentration, the conventional method had a result of 762.83 million spermatozoa/ml which was …
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Áreas de conocimiento:
- Medicina veterinaria
Áreas temáticas:
- Ganadería