Anthropometric and capacitive analysis of the Ecuadorian senior national women’s soccer team
The development of women’s football worldwide points to the resignification of the approach to team preparation, where anthropometric and capacitive variables play an important role. Ecuador shows no precedent for studies in high-level female soccer players.Accordingly, the objective focused on analyzing the state of anthropometric and capacitive variables of 22 soccer players of the Ecuadorian senior women’s national team, which represent 100% of the population. It started from the morphological diagnosis of equipment applying 19 measurements under the protocol of marking and measurement of the International Society for the development of Kineanthropometry (ISAK), the evaluation of the explosive force through three jumps (Tests SJ, CMJ andAbalakob (AB) and speed (35 meters),The data were subjected to normality criteria (Shapiro-Wilk test), the result of which indicated that the values did not follow a normal distribution, therefore the non-parametric ANOVA test of a Kruskal - Wallis Factor for independent samples.The study was preceded by three research hypotheses. It is shown that there are no significant differences in the variables analyzed by position, being p> 0.05, H0 is accepted in all cases. The results allowed to characterize the team morphologically with a Meso-Endomorph somatotype, irregularities were found in some variables of the morphology of the soccer players (IDG / IMO), suggesting how conclusion a nutritional dietary planning, and enhance muscle mass in the lower extremities from the management of physical direction.
Año de publicación:
- Explosive strength
- Anthropometry
- Women’s soccer
- speed
Tipo de documento:
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Deportes
Áreas temáticas:
- Juegos y diversiones de interior
- Juegos y deportes al aire libre
- Fisiología humana