Frecuencia del subgrupo sanguíneo A1 en los pacientes que acuden al Banco de Sangre de la Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana, Cuenca-Ecuador 2011
This research was realized in Diagnostico´s Center of Ciencias's Faculty Medical where determined the frequency of the sanguine subgroup A1, during the period from February to August 2011. The population in study was constituted by all blood donors and patients of the blood groups A and AB that they attended to the Blood Bank of Ecuadorian Red Cross of Cuenca City in a total of 200 sanguine samples, where we do not realize racial differentiation neither others infrequent variants of the blood group A. Being necessary clearly the ABO system was considered as additional date. The samples were recollected mean while or out patients as donors in Blood Bank of Ecuadorian Red Cross mediating the technique of venipuncture the quantity requisite was of 3 to 5ml of blood picked up with anticoagulant, which was processed at the clinical Medical Laboratory of Diagnostico´s Center of Ciencias Faculty. To determination of sanguine subgroup we worked with technical and method established, with satisfactory results of semi-quantitative in the direct try in tube. The 67% of the total people investigation belong to the made sex and 33% of female sex. According to blood group of people who participate in the research we found that 93% belong to the blood group A+ and 0.5% al blood group AB-. In relation to the sanguine subgroup A1 the 81% was positive and 19% was negative, the some that related with blood group. When we relation the blood group with sanguine subgroup A1 we observed that major number of cases were found in the blood group A+, of which the 93.8% are sanguine subgroup A1 positive and the 89.4% are sanguine subgroup A1 negative (p=0.679). In conclusion do not exist relation between the sex with sanguine subgroup A1 (p=0.185) neither with sanguine blood, in reason of that blood group is not affected by sex, age neither patient type, because each person was born with a blood group definite. Key Words: blood group, sanguine subgroup A1.
Año de publicación:
- Analisis clínico
- Laboratorio Clínico
- Hematología

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
Áreas temáticas:
- Medicina forense; incidencia de enfermedades
- Enfermedades
- Química y ciencias afines