Georreferenced application for location and rescue of people with disabilities in risk zones of cotopaxi volcano


The developed application allows to have consolidated graphic information of people with disabilities that are located in potential risk areas such as Cotopaxi Volcano. The information is indicated in real time on georeferenced maps and details the person (names, age, sex), the location of the dwelling, type of disability. This information is valuable and ends the realization of the location of these people, you can meet the evacuation plans that has been planned. The development of the application is based on its operation and applications such as Google Maps and assisted GPS, allowing additionally the visualization of the lahares area, the area of greatest danger, the areas of shelters and evacuation routes, shelters or secure sites in the Cities of Latacunga and Sangolquí. If the user wants to see the information of the person with a disability or visually know which person has a higher and more serious disability than others, he/she should simply differentiate the colors of the georeferenced points that are on the map, the red color indicates a And the green color indicates a percentage between 50% and 74%, the orange color indicates a percentage between 40% and 49%, the celestial color indicates a percentage between 30% and 39% and the purple color indicates A percentage between 1% and 29% or senior citizens. In the case, it is desired to evacuate the disabled person is pressed at the georeferenced point and automatically opens a new window with the route generated to reach the chosen place avoiding crossing the danger zone.

Año de publicación:



  • Risk gestion
  • Discapacity
  • Movile applications



Tipo de documento:

Conference Object


Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Planificación urbana
  • Ciencias de la computación
  • Geografía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Otros problemas y servicios sociales
  • Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos