Guía didáctica de estrategias metodológicas para el área Lógica Matemática dirigida a maestros / maestras de niños niñas de 4 - 5 años del nivel inicial


Methodological strategies for Mathematical Logic area didactic guide addressed to teachers of children of initial level (4-5 years old).In the present, it is regarded as initial education the formal education for children until five years old. This stage is one of the most important due to the infant experiences the biggest neuronal development and this will mark his or her future behavior. A child grows-up and develops. The growth refers to increace of weight and height and enhancement of organs, tissues and systems; as long as the development means to boost all of his or her talents and skills. It can be distinguished three types of deveopment: fhysical and motor (psychomotricity), cognitive and socio- afective. The armony between these three types will shape a complete person who will be able to drive himself or herself in the society rightly. Mathematical knowledgement let to the people develop creativity and logic; this must not be only understood like resolve operations but like the way to find thought solutions for the diferent problems that the person have to face. A child in his or her four begins the initial education with some mathematical notions. These are elementary ideas about mathematical contends. Between these notions it can be found the next: spatial, of conservation, of quantity, of inclusion, of clasification and of seriation. As long as the infant grows-up he or she adquires more capacity to resolve more complex operations. These contends must be worked by the teacher didacticly. The didactic act presents four stages: elaboration, enunciation, concretion and abstraction; these can be regarded as a cycle. Moreover, the teacher needs use methodological strategies that constitute mechanisms for getting teaching-learning effective and that this may be significative. One of this stretegies is the ludic, for this reason this document presents a didactic guide to manajer mathematical logic contends.

Año de publicación:



  • enseñanza



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


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Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Educación matemática

Áreas temáticas:

  • Enseñanza primaria
  • Matemáticas