Análisis cefalométrico de Steiner y estudio radiográfico en pacientes de raza mestiza con mal oclusión tipo II de Angle.
Analysis cefalométricos is presented based on experiences, and different authors' theoretical focuses who make contributions of the effect of the maloclusióny its repercussion in the changes post treatment of the maloclusión type class II of Angle through the analysis cefalométricos of Steiner and study radiográfico in patient of mestizo race. The same one that measures that can be related with a facial pattern can settle down; and he/she offers guíasespecíficas for the treatment plan. With the obtained experiences we will know the changes dentoesqueletales and facial that presented before and after the orthodontics treatment. The same one is based originally in the studies of measures proposals by the doctors Downs, Wylie, Riedel, Thompson and Margolis. The methodology leans on in the following variables as changes esqueletales,dentales, facial, the sex and the age. The discussion of the investigation work is carried out it in the foundations of Downs - Wylie - Riedel - Steiner, the same ones that make contributions to the investigation problem. In each one of the patients it is described their antecedents, bases and conclusions with the purpose of carrying out the I diagnose, the treatment plan and to verify changes in the orthodontics patient.
Año de publicación:
- Maloclusión

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
Áreas temáticas:
- Anatomía humana, citología, histología
- Cirugía y especialidades médicas afines
- Enfermedades