Heart morphology differences induced by intrauterine growth restriction and premature birth measured on the ECG in pre-adolescents


Pre-adolescents who had suffered from intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) during their mothers' pregnancy usually present more spherical hearts (smaller relation between base to apex measure and basal diameter), measured using echocardiograms, which has been associated with long-term cardiac disfunction. The present work aims to analyse these heart morphology changes by means of the surface ECG so as to have an early diagnostic tool of this pathology. The dataset is conformed by 148 pre-adolescents with either preterm or term births, and with or without IUGR. Once QRS and T-wave loops were obtained from the vectorcardiogram, the angles between the dominant vector of the QRS loop and -XY or -YZ planes(ΦR-XY, ΦR-YZ) and the difference between ΦR-XY and the angle between the dominant vector of T-wave loop (ΦT-XY) and the XY-plane showed different values for pre-adolescents who suffered from premature birth and IUGR than for control subjects (p < 0.05). These characteristics can open the door for a much easier diagnosis and follow-up of candidates for these disfunctions.

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    Tipo de documento:

    Conference Object


    Acceso restringido

    Áreas de conocimiento:

    • Pediatría
    • Fisiología

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Fisiología humana
    • Ginecología, obstetricia, pediatría, geriatría
    • Enfermedades