Impacto de la lectura crítica en la calidad del aprendizaje significativo en el área de lengua y literatura, en los estudiantes de octavo año de educación básica de la Unidad de Educación Básica Fiscal “Manuel Sandoval” de la zona 8, dirección distrital 09D08, Pascuales 2, circuito 3-4, provincia del Guayas, Cantón Guayaquil, Parroquia Pascuales, periodo 2015-2016.
This project shows that the main risk factor is that the students are in a society where they are running out of their own criteria based on the application of critical thinking. The habits within the present society are based on investing several hours watching the television turning them into homo tipógrafus and homo televidentis, before being realized reading of a good book and allowing that the imagination is increased, in such a way, that possessed arguments, to emit Criteria with greater ease, nowadays with the technological advance, it is observed that students use the films or audiobooks in the best cases, obtaining given images, preventing the development of creativity, which as a consequence, the results are the low Academic and disciplinary performance. It is necessary to create spaces to share knowledge among teachers and students, this research seeks to promote meaningful learning based on critical reading, through the proposal that is the application of a seminar - workshop to teachers of the Basic Fiscal Education Unit "MANUEL DE JESÚS SANDOVAL SIMBALL". The direct beneficiaries will be the students, who will reinforce their knowledge bases by applying the proposal, managing to present a variety of methods, play techniques, pedagogical resources and innovative strategies, in order to increase student confidence in voluntary participation in classes , Without fear of being mistaken, nor be mocked on the part of his companions. As an additional contribution will motivate, cultivate the habit of reading and awaken their interest, so that learning is meaningful focused on education with quality and warmth.
Año de publicación:
- Lectura crítica
- Aprendizaje significativo

Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Pedagogía
- Pedagogía