Análisis de estacionalidad y abundancia relativa de oso de anteojos (Tremarctos ornatus), lobo de páramo (Lycalopex culpaeus) y tapir andino (Tapirus pinchaque) en los páramos del Parque Nacional Podocarpus
In the western mountain range of National Park Podocarpus and Sabanilla knot in moor ecosystems south of Ecuador, for 12 months, we evaluated the presence of spectacled bear, wolf moor and mountain tapir, three large South American mammals are potentially recognized as "umbrella species", because they have important ecological functions and spacious living areas. Through observation ratros transects, was checked seven different signals in the field, used to document the occurrence, relative abundance indices gain and frequency distribution. We found 1002 records of the three species in the entire area traversed by the observation units, of which 50.11% belong to bears, 38.41% to foxes and 11.48% to tapirs. The records distribution and occurrence of the three species throughout the sampling in at least one of the three surveyed tracts showed a continued use of these ecosystems, also we found possible preference patterns related with climatic variables measures temporarily and spatially. The intensity of use evidences and/or presence was time variant, having highest peaks in a few months but was finally discarded the seasonal use of the moors.
Año de publicación:
- Ecosistemas andinos
- Recursos naturales
- Biólogo - Tesis y disertaciones académicas
- Oso andino – Hábitad
Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Ecología
- Ecología
- Biodiversidad
Áreas temáticas:
- Temas específicos de historia natural de los animales
- Mammalia