Influencia de las estrategias metodológicas en la calidad de desempeño escolar en la asignatura de Ciencias Naturales en los estudiantes del noveno año de Educación Básica Superior de la Escuela Educativa Benigna Parejas de Macías, zona 5, distrito 13, provincia Guayas, cantón Balzar, parroquia Balzar, periodo lectivo 2015-2016.
In this project was investigated the influence that methodological strategies owns in the quality of school performance of the informatics applied in the education subject which is provided to the students of the first curse of the unified baccalaureate of UNIDAD BENIGNA PAREJA DE MACIAS Zone 5, District 13, Guayas province, Balzar town. In order to obtain the necessary results, indispensable characteristics were identified in the research, emphasizing the applied process and so subsequently through the problem observation, it was proceeded to apply methods and adequate techniques to the investigation that needed to be acquired to fulfill to the desired objective such as the interview and survey aimed to the school leaders in addition to other involved people, it was evidence for the lack of quality of school performance of the students in the before mentioned subject, getting as result the needle of a bibliographic and field study after assessing different aspects, concluding that for the solution of the cited problem is indispensable the design and implementation of a didactic and interactive guide focused on inverted classroom of the (ICT) of free software, in order to help to improve the education quality in this subject, therefore we can say that we applied the statistical methods, qualitative, quantitative and observation, concluding that to resolve the problem mentioned before, it is necessary the implementation and immediate application of the purpose so as to ensure that improve the education quality of the students involved that is about the educational community.
Año de publicación:
Tipo de documento:
Bachelor Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Pedagogía
- Pedagogía
Áreas temáticas:
- Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
- Enseñanza primaria
- Educación, investigación, temas relacionados