Insulinorresistencia en mujeres obesas afrovenezolanas
It has been demonstrated that genetic factors can be influenciated by race, whereas people with African origin tend to have high body mass index (BMI) with normal lipid profile (high HDL-c and low triglyceride). The purpose of this study was to analyze insulin resistance through a mathematical model, Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA), in two Venezuelan communities with African origin. Seventy-two afrovenezuelan women from the populations of Santa María (SM) y San José (SJ), Zulia, Venezuela, with age between 36 and 48 years, were used. A medical chart was made along with BMI so that they could be divided into 2 groups: obese and lean; glycemia, lipid profile and HOMA IR were determined. Our results indicated that there was not significative different in glycemia (obese group 85, 1±3, 5 SM y 83±2, 9 SJ; lean 77, 3±2, 2 SM y 78, 9±2, 8 SJ mg/dl), Total Cholesterol (obese group 194, 4±13, 4 SM y 190, 1±9, 1 SJ; lean 184, 4±8.8 SM y 193, 4±7, 4 SJ mg/dl), Triglycerides (obese group 109, 8±16, 3 SM y 114, 8±21, 9 SJ; lean 64, 9±7, 6 SM y 77, 5±10, 8 SJ mg/dl), LDL-c (obese group 126, 6±14, 8 SM y 126, 9±8, 6 SJ; lean 115, 5±8, 3 SM y 133, 6±11, 4 SJ mg/dl) and serics HDL-c (obese group 46, 3±4, 0 SM y 40, 2±3, 4 SJ; lean 55, 5±2, 8 SM y 44, 1±2, 3 SJ mg/dl). When we compared HOMA IR between obese group of both populations (3, 3±0, 2 SM y 3.2±0, 1 SJ) with lean group (2, 8±0, 1 SM y 3, 1±0, 1 SJ) there was not significative difference. In conclusion, the obese women from Santa María and San José have low HDL-c and high HOMA IR.
Año de publicación:
Tipo de documento:
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Obesidad
Áreas temáticas:
- Fisiología humana
- Salud y seguridad personal
- Enfermedades