La sobreprotección en niños de 5-6 años y sus consecuencias en el comportamiento social en el aula de la escuela Rafaela Vallejo Barahona período lectivo 2017-2018.


Overprotection, is known by that name for failing to meet the normal parameters of care. The objective of this study is to analyze the consequences of overprotection specifically in the behavior of 5-6 years-old children, for this reason, the investigation is based on theories that support the variables of studies in the theoretical framework. The methodological design corresponds to a quantitative and qualitative approach, using the observation and description methods, applying research techniques such as: checklist applied to students of 1°EGB, interview to the director of the institution and a survey applied to teachers and legal representatives. The project is feasible for that reason proposes a social orientation workshop, based on coping activities, theory and practice, and also as a solution strategy and as a way of involving the educational community. The proposal will be an excellent measure to benefit the parent and child relationship and the infant deployment in the institution.

Año de publicación:



  • Comportamiento social
  • Orientación
  • Guidance
  • Sobreprotección



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Grupos de personas
    • Enseñanza primaria
    • Psicología diferencial y del desarrollo