Las TICS de Software Libre en la calidad del rendimiento escolar en el área de Ciencias Naturales dirigida a estudiantes del Octavo Grado de Educación General Básica de la Escuela Dr. Juan Modesto Carbo Noboa, Zona 5, Distrito 09D14, Provincia del Guayas, Cantón Pedro Carbo, periodo lectivo 2015 - 2016.


The present educational project, focuses on the quality of school performance in the area of Natural Sciences, due to the fact that the students present failures in the matter, which was investigated for the influence and implementation of technology in education, the same That allows to develop skills in the process of learning of the students of Eighth Grade of the School of Basic Education "Dr. Juan Modesto Carbo Noboa "of the canton Pedro Carbo, Province of Guayas. A brief analysis of the problem was carried out through the results of the applied surveys, where observation, exploratory and investigative methods were used to delve into the subject with reference to the population and the sample to be surveyed, the Director was interviewed as a professional In charge of the educational institution and the teachers in charge of the area of Natural Sciences, students beneficiaries of the present Investigation and Parents were surveyed. All this helped to determine the dimension of the problem that was detected in the above mentioned educational institution, also allowed to know the reality and to implement methods, techniques and strategies to find the solution to the problem and to improve the quality of the scholastic performance in the students. The conclusions that have been obtained are the importance of motivating the interest of the students, it is recommended to create a proposal that gives solution to the present project being beneficial and feasible, through the use of the TICS to awaken the attention in the student and to be able to improve their school performance.

Año de publicación:






Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Tecnología educativa
  • Tecnología educativa

Áreas temáticas:

  • Funcionamiento de bibliotecas y archivos
  • Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
  • Educación, investigación, temas relacionados