Morbilidad y mortalidad materna y calidad de atención en el Hospital Regional Vicente Corral Moscoso Cuenca 2010


Objective. Describe the major causes of morbidity, maternal mortality and quality of care in the obstetrics deparment at the Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso using Form 051 and quality standards issued by the MSP.- Methods and Materials. We conducted a descriptive research of women treated for cesarean delivery or service of Obstetrics Hospital Vicente Corral (2739). We analyzed the variables of the Perinatal Clinical story developed by the Center for Perinatology and quality of maternal care through the forms of standards and indicators included in the rules of the MSP. The information was processed using the software of the Perinatal Information System (SIP) and the analysis of standards and quality indicators, using tables of percentages were accomplished.- Results. The 10 leading causes of maternal mortality were: eclampsia, preeclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, uterine hypotonia, placenta previa, placental abruption, HELLP syndrome, hypovolemic shock, uterine rupture, dystocia. Maternal morbidity is by: Urinary tract infection (15.8%), preeclampsia, hypertension prior eclampsia. In compliance with the standards and quality standards: prenatal care is fulfilled by 100%, there is a deficit in the management of bleeding according to the rules (84.5%), the mortality rate from direct obstetric complications is 1,79%. Conclusions. 30% of deaths were hypertensive disorders, the primary cause was of eclampsia and urinary tract infection was the leading cause of maternal morbidity. The quality standards are met by 95%.

Año de publicación:



  • morbilidad
  • Calidad De Atencion De La Salud
  • Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso
  • Atencion De Salud
  • Mortalidad Materna



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Obstetricia

Áreas temáticas:

  • Ginecología, obstetricia, pediatría, geriatría
  • Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos
  • Medicina y salud