Morphological characteristics and somatotype in amateur futball players by field position


The purpose of this study was to describe the morphological characteristics and somatotype observed in non-professional soccer players according their play positions in the field. We included 67 amateur soccer players from four different local teams of Maracaibo Township, Venezuela, and they were classified by position: goalkeepers, defenders, strikers and midfielders. 14 anthropometric variables were measured: height, weight, six (6) fat pads, four (4) circumferences and two (2) bone diameters; all measurements were performed according the protocol of the International Society for the Advancement of Kineanthropometry. We calculated the 3 components of the Heath-Carter somatotype for each playing position. Results evidenced significant differences in all the studied anthropometric characteristics, except in triceps skinfold (p=0.166), abdominal skinfold (p=0.051), femur diameter (p=0.648) and humerus (p= 0.648). The goalkeepers were the tallest players, heavier, with higher body mass indexes (BMI) and fat percentages. We found significant differences in endomorph (p=9.75×10-6) and mesomorph (p=4.67×10-9) somatotypes. Moreover, goalkeepers have greater endomorphy values (5.4±4.04), while midfielders obtained higher in mesomorphy results (5.40±0.67). The arithmetic means for somatotype showed that goalkeepers, strikers and midfielders had predominantly endomorph and mesomorph somatotypes, contrasting with defensive players which were predominantly endormorph and mesomorph somatotypes. Somatotype's differences observed in those individuals emphasizes the importance of consider the body composition of every player to decide the play position and the training plan.

Año de publicación:



  • football
  • Somatotype
  • Anthropometry
  • Body Composition



Tipo de documento:



Acceso restringido

Áreas de conocimiento:

    Áreas temáticas:

    • Juegos y deportes al aire libre
    • Salud y seguridad personal
    • Fisiología humana