Perfil socioeconómico de las personas que tejen sombreros de paja toquilla, que no se encuentran asociadas a una organización de toquilleras o toquilleros en la parroquia de Güel, cantón Sígsig, período 2022. Una mirada desde el enfoque del desarrollo a escala humana


The goal of this research was to determine the socio-economic and family profile of people who work weaving ‘paja toquilla’ hats and who are not members of an organization of ‘toquilleras’ or ‘toquilleros’, in the parroquia of Güel, canton of Sígsig, period 2022, based on the approach of Human Scale Development. For this purpose, 159 surveys were carried out, applying a simple random sampling to the study population. The research methodology was quantitative, and the research scope was exploratory, since this work was focused on a population that has not been studied previously. Furthermore, the approach was based on the Social Critic Work method. After analyzing the results obtained, the reasons why the weavers of ‘paja toquilla’ hats decide not to become members of a ‘toquilleras’ or ‘toquilleros’. The main reasons why people who weave toquilla straw hats do not join an organization of toquilleras and toquilleras are: lack of time, constant meetings and the demands made by the toquilleras' associations with regard to their requests. Finally, several action lines to improve the life quality of this population are suggested.

Año de publicación:



  • Desarrollo Economico
  • desarrollo social
  • calidad de vida
  • Bienestar Social



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Socioeconomía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Cultura e instituciones
  • Economía laboral
  • Vestuario y apariencia personal