Plan de mejoramiento de la empresa Lácteos de Marcos ubicada en la provincia de Tungurahua en el cantón Píllaro


This works objective is to develop an Enhancement Plan for the company Lacteos de Marcos whose main business is the production and commercialization of dairy products. The company is settled in Ecuador in the province of Tungurahua at the locality of Pillaro. Its operations started on January 1994 and family needs were the leading motivation for its foundation. Nowadays its products are distributed in 20 provinces by Tiendas Industriales Asociadas (TIA S.A.), which is also the main customer of the company. For the development of a Companies Enhancement Plan its essential to conduct both: an internal analysis of the organization driven through the evaluation of the different departments, in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and an external analysis of the macro-environment to detect opportunities and threats. Therefore the company was evaluated, with the aim of pinpointing the possible areas to be intervened or in turn create if necessary a new department with the target of improving the organization. One of the focus points of the Enhancement Plan is to diversify the distribution network since as for now the only channel available is through Tiendas Industriales Asociadas (TIA S.A.) which creates dependency on a sole customer. The research is of the quantitative type and it was carried out by means of survey to potential customers. A financial analysis is also necessary for the project so indexes such as liquidity and profitability ratios plus sales rates were also evaluated. Based on the obtained results from the internal and external analysis, it can be concluded that there is the necessity to implement a Department of Marketing and Sales, which develops strategies for the diversification of the current distribution channel. To achieve this objective it is required to increase gradually the production capabilities of the plant, until a 100% of the installed capacity is reached, which will improve of use resources. Finally the organization chart of company must be restructured with the new positions and responsibilities. Based on the obtained results from the internal and external analysis, it can be concluded that there is the necessity to implement a Department of Marketing and Sales, which develops strategies for the diversification of the current distribution channel. To achieve this objective it is required to increase gradually the production capabilities of the plant, until a 100% of the installed capacity is reached, which will improve of use resources. Finally the organization chart of company must be restructured with the new positions and responsibilities. After the Financial Analysis of the Company, can be seen from both the VPN As in the IRR, the difference between the two scenarios is high. As for the VPN on stage with Improvements the value is approximately USD 1 Million higher than in Sin Improvement Stage. As to the IRR, on stage with improvements it is approximately 76 % higher and cost-effective compared with sin The Improvement Stage. This It means that if would apply the improvements proposed in this plan, the value that would be generated to the Company is high, therefore these values support the viability of them. These aspects will be further developed in the following chapters of the Enhancement Plan for Lacteos de Marcos.

Año de publicación:



  • Empresas comerciales
  • Industria alimentaria



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Agricultura

Áreas temáticas:

  • Dirección general
  • Producción
  • Economía laboral