Plan estratégico de desarrollo turístico sostenible para el cantón Calvas, provincia de Loja 2015-2025.


The presented research proposes the design of "Strategic Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development for the canton Calvas, province of Loja 2015-2025", it began with the situational analysis of the canton, where general information is exposed in areas including in physical settings, culture, social, ecology, economic and productive and administrative. . Furthermore, it contains information of tourist facilities and the use of TIC’s (New information technologies), analysis of tourism demand (profile of tourists), determination of touristic areas of interest, and zoning of attractions, this information was obtained, through surveys, interviews, in-Situ visits, and with the help of entrepreneurs in the tourism plant, and through the authority GAD- Calvas, the FODA analysis was obtained. Finally, the mission, vision, values and strategy formulation were determined, which helped to formulate; four programs and fifteen projects, with their perspective tentative budgets, those of which describe the initial, middle and long term guidelines, with each project it is sought to energize the economy of the sector through the tourist activity, as well as improve the lifestyle of its habitants, increase sources of employment, taking advantage of natural and cultural resources in a sustainable manner

Año de publicación:



  • Desarrollo Turístico
  • Ingeniero en Administración de Empresas Turísticas y Hoteleras – Tesis y disertaciones Académicas



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Turismo
  • Turismo
  • Turismo

Áreas temáticas:

  • Geografía y viajes
  • Gestión doméstica y familiar
  • Producción