Prevalencia de alteraciones en el flujo sanguineo de las arterias uterinas y factores asociados, en mujeres gestantes atendidas en los hospitales Vicente Corral Moscoso y José Carrasco Arteaga, 2011-2012
It determines the prevalence of the alterations in the blood flow of the uterine arteries and the asociated factors, in the case of pregnant woman is from 25 gestation weeks at Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital and José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital of the City of Cuenca, during the period 2011-2012. Methodology It was made in a transversal study in a simple of 437 pregnant women with more than 25 gestation weeks. The size of the sample was calculated in the base of 95% of confidency, 10% of prevalence of alterations of blood flow of uterine sanguine ( It was getting from a pilot study), 3% of accuracy and 10% for damaged cases. The data were taken from a direct interwiev and they were processed with the help of the SPSS software. The blood flow uterine was measured with the help of geography equipments SONOACE, it is the model SA8000 EX and the another one was General Electric, model VOLUSON E8. Results The alterations of prevalence of the blood flow of the uterine arteries were the 16.9% (IC95%: 13.4 y 20.4). They were detected like risk factors of the obesity (RP 1.74; IC95%: 1.14 - 2.64, p = 0.009), antecedents of preeclampsia (RP 1.98; IC95%: 1.27; 3.06, p = 0.003), antecedents of birth prematurely (RP 1.85; IC95%: 1.05; 3.27, p = 0.043), antecedents of children who were born with low weight (RP = 2.95; IC95%: 1.87; 4.66, p = 0.000) and finally antecedents of the family of preeclampsia (RP = 1.69; IC95%: 1.11; 2.59, p = 0.017). Conclusions The prevalence of alterations of the blood flow uterine in the cases of pregnant women more than 25 gestations weeks the results were of 16.9%. IC95%: 13.4 y 20.4 and it was detected like factors of obesity risks, and the antecedents of preeclampsia, birth prematurely, antecedents of children who were born with low weight and the antecedents of the family of preeclampsia. KEYWORD: FLUJOMETRÍA BY LÁSER-DOPPLER, FACTORS OF RISK, PREVALENCE, COMPLICATIONS OF THE PREGNANCY-ULTRASONOGRAFIA
Año de publicación:
- Estudios transversales
- Complicaciones Cardiovasculares Del Embarazo
- Flujo Sanguineo Regional
- Arteria Uterina
- Flujometria Por Laser-Doppler
Tipo de documento:
Master Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
- Obstetricia
Áreas temáticas:
- Medicina forense; incidencia de enfermedades
- Ginecología, obstetricia, pediatría, geriatría
- Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos