Propuesta de aporte al desempeño docente y al aprendizaje del estudiante a través de una guía de aprendizaje, para la cátedra cálculo diferencial de las carreras de ingeniería de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Cuenca
The main objective of this work is to give a new methodological alternative for the teaching – learning process regarding the subject Differential Calculus, in the Engineering careers at Salesian Polytechnic University. The main purpose of this work is to diminish repetition and desertion in this subject. As an starting point, it was necessary to make a diagnose of the learning environment, analyzing aspects, such as quality of the students who get into the University, scientific and pedagogical preparations of the professors, student perception, classroom equipment, and use of technology; these aspects helped us to determine the absence of a different methodology from the traditional one. The new proposal considers as philosophical base the critical theory of mathematics education, and as pedagogical base, the social cognitive theory. To ensure a minimal quality regarding this proposal, it has been taken as a reference, the directives of the Superior Education Law (LOES), and the general and specific competences for the Industrial Engineering careers declared by the Spanish National Agency of Evaluation and Accbkp_reditation ANECA, belonging to the European Space of Superior Education EEES. Aside from that, the Theory of Didactic Analysis Content has been considered as a procedure for the design, practice and evaluation of the activities in the teaching learning process of mathematics. All the mentioned above, helped us to get the final products of this work, and to constitute the new micro curricular design and a modern learning guide for the topic Function Analysis, they both coherent with the educational model proposed.
Año de publicación:
- enseñanza
- Docente
- aprendizaje
- Tesis de Maestría en Docencia de las Matemáticas
- Cognición

Tipo de documento:
Master Thesis
Acceso abierto
Áreas de conocimiento:
Áreas temáticas:
- Escuelas y sus actividades; educación especial
- Matemáticas
- Educación superior