Propuesta gerencial de un programa educativo de prevención de rinitis alérgica en menores de 2 a 10 años, Clínica Kennedy Alborada 2012


Allergic Rhinitis is characterized by the nasal inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane because of the contact with allergens. It is one of the chronic most common illnesses in the population and it is a frequent reason of specialty consultation in Kennedy Alborada Clinic. The objectives were: Carry out a managerial proposal of an educational program for prevention of allergic rhinitis in children between 2 and 10 years of age that go to the consultation; to determine the prevalence; to register the patient and companions filiation; to evaluate the level of knowledge of the rhinitis prevention in family and patients and to design an educational program for the prevention of allergic rhinitis in children between 2 and 10 years of age. It was a descriptive and no experimental investigation. The universe was all the children with diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis and the sample, those children with allergic rhinitis ages between 2 and 10 years that went to our private consultation at Kennedy Alborada Clinic during the period between January to June of 2012. It was used: documental analysis, analysis-synthesis, statistical methods and other managerial tools. The authorities of the clinic agreed with the proposal. The educational program of prevention that intends will be used as tool for the treatment of the patients with allergic rhinitis. Once carried out the investigation we observed that 60% of the patients belong to the masculine sex, 72% is in ages understood between the 2 and the 7 years of age, 81% is domiciled in the urban area and 80% they present family antecedents of allergic illnesses. Most of those interviewed (69%) doesn't possess mascots in their homes and only 19,5% recognize among their habits smoking. It was demonstrated a prevalence of 39% and a very low level of knowledge (< 50%) on the part of family and/or caretakers about the characteristics of the illness and the possibility of modifying their course and symptoms with the use of preventive measures. With the implementation of the proposal of an educational program of prevention a bigger increase was obtained (up to 90%) in the knowledge of the main characteristics of the allergic illness and how one can modify its course and long term symptoms with the use of preventive measures.

Año de publicación:



  • Hospital Clínica Kennedy de la Alborada
  • Planes y programas de Salud
  • Medicina preventiva



Tipo de documento:

Master Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Salud Pública

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Medicina y salud
  • Problemas sociales y servicios a grupos