Propuesta para el fomento de la lectura y la interculturalidad en los ni?os de 5to EGB paralelo ?A? de la UEM Sayaus?, a trav?s de Tertulia Literarias Dial?gicas del proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje


This research is focused on the application of the Dialogic Literary Gatherings for the promotion of reading habits and intercultural knowledge, in the Fifth ?A? of the Sayaus? Millennium Educational Unit in the academic period 2020-2021. Its objective is to suggest a proposal for educational intervention that enables the creation of a space within the classes where reading is involved in a different way than the traditional one, creating spaces for reflection and analysis of the importance of interculturality for Ecuador. In the course of our pre-professional practice, it has been detected that the forms of teaching reading have caused a lack of interest in the students for this activity, incurring problems in their subjects of study; also, interculturality is not taken into account in this educational level, so the proposal is aimed at solving these difficulties. The research work was developed through a qualitative approach and under the participatory action research design, where information collection techniques are applied such as: participant observation, semi-structured interview, focus group, surveys and consultation with experts, applied through instruments such as: observation guide, interview question guide, focus group question guide, questionnaires and consultation request. The result obtained is based on the application of the Educational Success Action: Dialogical Literary Gatherings through Ecuadorian literature within the practical reading classes of the fifth year in order to promote the participation of the students in the development of the classes by presenting them with readings that allow addressing intercultural issues from topics of interest to students.

Año de publicación:



  • Interculturality
  • Dialogic learning
  • learning communities
  • Tertulias literarias dial?gicas
  • Interculturalidad
  • Dialogical literary gatherings



Tipo de documento:

Bachelor Thesis


Acceso abierto

Áreas de conocimiento:

  • Pedagogía

Áreas temáticas:

  • Educación
  • Interacción social
  • Cultura e instituciones